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principal provedor de dados e informa\u00e7\u00f5es do Pa\u00eds), qual cor/ra\u00e7a voc\u00ea se declara?\":\n \"\",\n \"Qual a sua orienta\u00e7\u00e3o afetivo-sexual?\":\n \"'Indica como nos sentimos em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 atra\u00e7\u00e3o afetiva e/ou sexual nos relacionamentos'\",\n \"Voc\u00ea se considera uma Pessoa com Defici\u00eancia?\":\n \"'Pessoas com defici\u00eancia s\u00e3o aquelas que t\u00eam impedimentos de longo prazo de natureza f\u00edsica, mental, intelectual ou sensorial, os quais podem obstruir sua participa\u00e7\u00e3o plena e efetiva na sociedade em igualdades de condi\u00e7\u00f5es com as demais pessoas.'\",\n };\n \n radio_text_to_tooltip_text = {\n \"Homem cisg\u00eanero\":\n \"'Pessoa nasceu com o \u00f3rg\u00e3o sexual masculino e se identifica com o g\u00eanero masculino'\",\n \"Mulher cisg\u00eanero\":\n \"'Pessoa nasceu com o \u00f3rg\u00e3o sexual feminino e se identifica com o g\u00eanero feminino'\",\n \"Homem trans\": \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com o g\u00eanero atribu\u00eddo ao nascimento'\",\n \"Mulher trans\": \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com o g\u00eanero atribu\u00eddo ao nascimento'\",\n \"N\u00e3o Bin\u00e1rio / Fluida\":\n \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com nenhum g\u00eanero ou se identifica com ambos os g\u00eaneros'\",\n Branca: \"'Pessoas de apar\u00eancia e pele branca'\",\n Preta: \"'Pessoas que t\u00eam pele escura'\",\n Amarela:\n \"'Pessoas com descend\u00eancia asi\u00e1tica \u2013 japonesas, chinesas, coreanas, etc'\",\n Parda:\n \"'Pessoas de pele mais clara porque s\u00e3o mesti\u00e7as \u2013 filhas de pessoas brancas e pretas, de ind\u00edgenas e brancas ou de ind\u00edgenas e pretas'\",\n Ind\u00edgena: \"'Pessoas descendentes de \u00edndios(as)'\",\n Heterossexual:\n \"'Pessoa que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com pessoa do g\u00eanero oposto.'\",\n Gay: \"'Homem que se sente atra\u00eddo e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com outro homem.'\",\n L\u00e9sbica:\n \"'Mulher que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com outra mulher.'\",\n Bissexual:\n \"'Pessoa que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com pessoas de todos os g\u00eaneros.'\",\n };\n\n for (question in questions) {\n current_question = $(`.apply-item-title:contains(${question})`)[0];\n radio_div =\n current_question.parentElement.parentElement.nextElementSibling;\n question_tooltip = questions[question];\n question_icon = `<i class='far fa-info-circle hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='' data-original-title=${question_tooltip} style='font-size: 20px;color: #288061;position: relative;top: 3px;padding:5px;' trigger='click'></i>`;\n if (question_tooltip != \"\") {\n $(current_question).append(`<span>${question_icon}</span>`);\n }\n var containers = $(radio_div).find(\".radioContainer\");\n radios = containers.find(\".radio-label\");\n radios.each(function () {\n radio_text = $(this).text();\n parent_container = $(this).parent(\".radioContainer\");\n tooltip_text = radio_text_to_tooltip_text[radio_text];\n icon = `<i class='far custom_vale_icon fa-info-circle pull-right hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='' data-original-title=${tooltip_text} style='font-size: 20px;color: #288061;position: relative;top: 10px;padding:5px;' trigger='click'></i>`;\n if (tooltip_text != undefined) {\n parent_container.append(`<span class='tablecell'>${icon}</span>`);\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\n\n// This function adds icons with hoverable tooltips to the questions on brazillian external positions\nfunction question_modifications() {\n console.log(\"Calling question_modifications\");\n\n try {\n try_adding_tooltip_icons()\n\n } catch (error) {\n\n if (is_canada_external()){\n // no modifications needed, quit\n return\n }\n if (is_canada_internal()){\n // remove numbers from questions\n $(\"span:contains('5- Please state your city') > span > span\").first().text(\"Please state your city\")\n $(\"span:contains('6- Please state your province') > span > span\").first().text(\"Please state your province\")\n return\n }\n if (is_brazil_internal()){\n // no modification needed, quit\n return\n }\n if (is_brazil_external()){\n // If we get here, then the try block was succesful and we can quit this loop\n return\n }\n\n setTimeout(question_modifications, 300);\n\n \n // // if we get here, then the questions haven't loaded yet. Re-call th\n // // above script throws a \"parentElement not found\" error if the jquery selectors fail. Jquery selector likely failing because question does not exist on DOM when script is called.\n // if ($(\".custom_vale_icon\").length == 0) {\n // console.log(\"calling tooltips recursively\");\n // }\n }\n}\n\nsetTimeout(question_modifications, 300);\n</script>", "SUCCESS_FORM_PAGE_LOAD": "", "JOIN_TALENT_NETWORK_PAGE_LOAD": ""}, "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/favicon.ico"}, "homePageHeroBanner": {"useImage": 0, "opacity": 1, "hideInMobileView": false, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/imageevp.jpg", "title": "N\u00f3s utilizamos intelig\u00eancia artificial para indicar as melhores vagas para o seu perfil. A ferramenta ainda est\u00e1 em fase de aprendizagem, por isso seja compreensivo(a) caso haja indica\u00e7\u00f5es n\u00e3o coerentes com seu curr\u00edculo."}, "showJobId": 1, "links": {"blogs": ["https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/data-governance-key-element-digital-transformation-edson-antonio/", "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/vale-experience-global-trainee-program-paula-nacif-de-moura/"], "videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk3SrZ6WPb0", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33Mgbclh5xw", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NFVEQ_BDN8"]}, "companyName": "Vale", "navBar": {"opacity": 0.9, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/Vale_w.png", "link": "http://www.vale.com/brasil/PT/people/Paginas/Portal-de-Vagas.aspx", "background": "#007E7A", "title": "Vale"}, "applySuccessMessage": "Candidatura Confirmada!", "privacy": {"text": "<div style=\"text-align: initial;\">We only collect essential data for this activity under the legal basis of your interest in participating in selection processes and joining the talent bank. We use Eightfold's artificial intelligence tool that automatically reads your resume and fills in the data found on it on the Platform. We use the personal data collected as follows:<br><br>\n\n<ul>\n<li>Enable your participation in the selection process(es);</li>\n\n<li>Include your data in our system to facilitate the analysis of your resume during the selection process for the position;</li>\n\n<li>Contact you, based on the progress of the selection process in which you are participating or to inform you about new opportunities that may be of interest to you;</li>\n\n<li>Monitor our service and our interactions with you.</li>\n\n<li>Notify your manager, via email, of your application</li>\n\n</ul>\n<br>\nWe will not use your data for purposes other than those indicated above without your consent.<br>\nYour data will only be shared with those who need to receive it to enable their participation in the selection process or to suggest other vacancies at Vale that align with your profile. Thus, Vale's recruiters will receive your data and, any partner HR consultant that is supporting us in conducting the Vale selection process.<br>\nSuch companies will be able to communicate directly with you to conduct the selection process and related topics.</div>\n\n<br><br><p>Coletamos apenas dados essenciais para essa atividade e sob o fundamento legal do seu interesse na participa\u00e7\u00e3o de tais processos seletivos e integra\u00e7\u00e3o de bancos de talentos.<br>N\u00f3s usamos a ferramenta de intelig\u00eancia artificial da Eightfold que l\u00ea seu curr\u00edculo automaticamente e preenche os dados que se encontram nele na Plataforma.<br>Utilizamos os dados pessoais coletados para:<br><br>\u2022 Viabilizar sua participa\u00e7\u00e3o em processos(s) seletivo(s);<br>\u2022 Incluir seus dados no nosso sistema para facilitar a an\u00e1lise do curr\u00edculo durante o processo seletivo para a vaga;<br>\u2022 Entrar em contato com voc\u00ea, em raz\u00e3o de andamento do processo seletivo de que voc\u00ea esteja participando ou para inform\u00e1-lo sobre novos processos que possam ser de seu interesse;<br>\u2022 Monitorar nosso atendimento e nossas intera\u00e7\u00f5es com voc\u00ea.<br>\u2022 Seu gestor receber\u00e1 uma confirma\u00e7\u00e3o por email da sua candidatura<br><br>N\u00e3o n\u00e3o usaremos seus dados para fins diferentes dos indicados acima sem o seu consentimento.<br>Seus dados ser\u00e3o compartilhados apenas com aqueles que precisam receb\u00ea-los para viabilizar sua participa\u00e7\u00e3o no processo seletivo ou para sugerir para voc\u00ea outras vagas na Vale que sejam aderentes ao seu perfil. Assim, receber\u00e3o seus dados os recrutadores da Vale e, eventualmente, alguma consultoria de RH parceira que esteja nos apoiando na condu\u00e7\u00e3o do processo seletivo Vale.<br>Tais empresas poder\u00e3o se comunicar diretamente com voc\u00ea para a condu\u00e7\u00e3o do processo seletivo e para temas relacionados.<br><b> O site de carreiras interno \u00e9 um portal exclusivo para funcion\u00e1rios Vale. Terceirizados devem aplicar pelo site de carreiras externos </b></br>", "button": "Confirmar", "title": "Pol\u00edtica de Privacidade de Dados"}, "postApplyText": "Voc\u00ea receber\u00e1 uma mensagem de confirma\u00e7\u00e3o da sua candidatura no email registrado. Fique atento ao seu email para novidades sobre o processo seletivo.", "defaultState": {"pymww": false, "autoLoadFirstPosition": false}, "custom_style": {"css": ".hero-image{background-size:cover !important; height:450px !important}.btn-primary{background-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.btn-primary:hover{background-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;color: #000 !important}.go-button{border-color: #007e7a !important;color: #007e7a !important}.btn-secondary{border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.btn-secondary:hover{border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.position-apply-button,.add-to-job-cart-button{background:#007e7a!important;border-color: #007e7a !important;color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.position-apply-button, .add-to-job-cart-button:hover{color: #ffffff !important}.people-card-matches{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.perk-icon{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.get-matched-button{font-weight:normal;font-size:12pt!important;border:0px;}.search-results-main-container .position-cards-container .card-selected {border-left-color:#007e7a!important;}.personalization-bar{background-color: #6a6a69 !important}.position-card .position-title{color: #007e7a !important}.all-positions-header h1{font-size: 20pt !important; color: rgb(0, 0, 0) !important;font-weight:bold;}.perk-icon{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.jumbotron{font-size: 200px !important}.advanced-options-button{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.jumbotron h1{font-size:24pt!important;font-weight:normal!important;margin-top: 70px !important}.position-sub-title, .custom-content-title {font-size:16pt!important;color:#000000!important;}.banner-item img{width:136px;}.banner-item {right:-43px;}.candidate-login-button{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important; border-color: #007e7a !important} .apply .refer .navbar img { height: 20px !important;}.upload-resume-modal .privacy-agreement {width: 470px !important;min-height: 590px !important;border-radius: 30px !important; padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px; !important; font-size:9pt !important}.upload-resume-modal .privacy-agreement .btn-sm {border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important} .position-count-message{color: #ffffff !important} .position-insights.p-md{visibility: hidden !important} .insights-bg{visibility: hidden !important} .col-xs-12.col-sm-12.col-md-7.no-pad-right{width: 54% !important} .match-details {visibility:hidden !important} .jumbotron h1 { text-align: left !important; margin-left: 68% !important; padding-left: 16px !important; font-size: 16px !important; padding-right: 2% !important; background-color: rgba(237,177,17, 0.85)!important; padding-top: 16px !important; padding-bottom: 16px !important; margin-top: 28px !important;} @media only screen and (max-width: 992px) {.jumbotron h1 { margin-left: 52% !important; margin-top: 50px !important;}}"}, "hideJobCart": true, "page_title": "Careers at Vale", "job_page_title": "Careers at Vale", "page_description": "Careers at Vale", "page_image": "", "talentNetworkBranding": {"custom_html": {"header": "", "footer": ""}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"useImage": 1, "opacity": 1, "hideInMobileView": false}, "custom_html": {"header": "", "footer": ""}, "recaptcha_enabled": 0, "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 15151840, "name": "Industrial Mechanic", "location": "Thompson, MB, CAN", "locations": ["Thompson, MB, CAN"], "hot": 1, "department": "T1 Mine Maint Shaft Mech (H)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726286937, "t_create": 1675641600, "ats_job_id": "1056359", "display_job_id": "1056359", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1056359-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world\u2019s energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change \u2013 our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking an Industrial Mechanic/Millwright to join our Maintenance Team , in Thompson, MB. Relocation will be required for this role. This is a permanent on-site position working shift and supporting a 24-hour operation. As an Industrial Mechanic, you will be responsible for installing and dismantling of equipment to inspecting and maintaining of equipment.\u00a0Your experience and skills will contribute to interpreting instructions, sketches, drawings, templates, work orders, welding procedures and data sheets related to work assignments in either the shop or field Additionally, in this position you will: install, dismantle, assemble, construct, erect, move, replace, inspect, adjust maintain and repair mechanical and process equipment and structures throughout the mines and surface plants. Safely install, inspect, service and test hoisting ropes and shaft conveyances Align with work safety policies and safety regulations. About You Education: The ideal candidate will have an Inter-Provincial Red Seal (Certificate of Qualification) as an Industrial Mechanic/Millwright. Experience: Minimum 3 years of industrial experience is preferred. Skills: Thorough knowledge of hydraulic, pneumatic, and mechanical principles is preferred. Experience installing, maintaining and repairing equipment (hydraulic, pneumatic, power transmission, mechanical drives, conveyor systems, pumps, overhead cranes) are considered an asset.\u00a0 Oxy acetylene cutting and burning is considered an asset. Mechanical and hydraulic blueprint reading is considered an asset. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, health, dental and disability plan) Leave for all of life\u2019s reasons (vacation, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Two free individual return tickets from Thompson to Winnipeg every year for personal and leisure travel Fully equipped, on-site gym facility Relocation Assistance Why Thompson Often referred to as the \"Hub of the North,\" Thompson is a city deeply intertwined with the mining industry, particularly due to its rich deposits of nickel. Our presence in Thompson includes significant mining and milling operations that extract and process nickel ore from the surrounding deposits. These operations are central to Thompson's economy, providing employment and supporting local businesses. The company's ongoing investments in the region highlight Thompson's importance in our broader operational strategy to improve life and transform the future. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome \u2013 they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. In accordance with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Apply by: \u00a0November 30, 2024 #ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/15151840", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26195415, "name": "Maintenance Technician - Underground Scaffolder", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Concentrator FP UG Mech H", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1732228279, "t_create": 1732147200, "ats_job_id": "1078789", "display_job_id": "1078789", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078789-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Maintenance Technician - Underground Scaffolder to join our Underground Fixed Plant Maintenance Team in Voisey's Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. Relocation to the province of Newfoundland & Labrador will be required for this role. This is a permanent on-site position, working a 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off rotation. As a Maintenance Technician - Underground Scaffolder you will be responsible to erect, inspect, and certify all required scaffolds. Your experience and skills will also help the team with repairing, troubleshooting, adjusting, overhauling, servicing, and maintaining equipment within the underground mine facilities. Additionally, in this position you will: Conduct final inspections to ensure that work detailed on work order has been completed to meet safety standards. Assist with tasks within the maintenance group as required and performing tasks to support maintenance activities. Provide feedback improvement suggestions to the supervisor and planner and implement those that are within your ability. Improve equipment availability and efficiency through quality maintenance and failure analysis. About You Education: College diploma and an Interprovincial Red Seal certification in a relevant trade is required. Preference will be given to a Mechanical or Electrical trade, however, others will be considered. Certification as an Industrial Scaffolder. Experience: Minimum of 5 years of scaffolding experience in a mining or heavy industrial environment. Underground mining experience would be an asset. Skills: Ability to work within an underground mine setting, which could include conditions such as: various temperature fluctuation, wet, damp, cramped, and dark work areas. Knowledge of the repair and maintenance of fixed plant equipment. Innovation and ability to use initiative. Flexibility regarding work activities and type of work requirements. The ability to work in a multi-discipline, multi-tasking, team environment. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, personal, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Relocation Assistance Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.) Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Apply by: Sunday, December 8th, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26195415", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26187078, "name": "Supervisor, Production", "location": "Sudbury, ON, CAN", "locations": ["Sudbury, ON, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "CCM North Production (S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1732121998, "t_create": 1732060800, "ats_job_id": "1078751", "display_job_id": "1078751", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078751-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking two Supervisors, Production to join our North Mine team in Sudbury, Ontario. This is a permanent position, working on a rotational shift schedule. As a Supervisor, Production you will continuously improve the work team performance through the effective use of established processes and procedures in achieving assigned objectives following Vale's Safety Policies, Programs, and Legislative Standards. Your experience and skills will establish and maintain work relationships with the various key plant stakeholders including supervisors, Planners, schedulers, superintendents, crew members, etc. Although previous experience in mining or an industrial setting is considered an asset, we also appreciate that diversity of thought comes from our differences - and that's what makes us great! Additionally, in this position you will: Manage systems within the area of accountability to achieve the following outputs. Ensure Zero Harm to employees, the business, the environment, and the community. Achieve/exceed production quality and quantity targets while maximizing economic resources and recovery. Achieve total product and unit cost, and capital (as applicable) expenditure targets. Review and communicate Risk Management situations with crew members at line-up and field discussions. Follow notification protocols for incidents and initiate on-shift investigations. Meet objectives and comply with; Monthly Safety plans, incident reporting process, Policy/Procedure reviews, MOC system, etc. Perform injury management, working with employees and health care providers to successfully return the employee to work. About You Education: Grade 12 level education or GED equivalency is required. Common Core: First Line Underground Mine Supervisor Common Core (770121) or Common Core for First Line Production Supervisor Underground Hard Rock Mining (770120) is preferred. Experience: Minimum 3 years of leadership experience leading a team with mine dewatering knowledge, Trackless Haulage roadway maintanace and Mine Services. Proficient at reading survey issue prints, being familiar with the various associated processes, proper end states and start states. Experience working underground is required. Experience with Microsoft Office Products is required. Skills: Ability to work with minimal supervision and work well with others in a team environment. Must have strong written and oral communication skills. Must be obsessed with safety and risk. Must demonstrate open and transparent dialogue in all aspects of work. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, flex, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Why Sudbury Greater Sudbury is a vibrant city in northeastern Ontario, renowned for its rich mining history and significant role in Canada's mineral production. The city sits atop one of the world's largest and oldest meteorite impact sites, the Sudbury Basin, which is exceptionally rich in nickel, copper, and other critical minerals that are needed for the green economy. The mining sector is a cornerstone of Sudbury's economy, driving both employment and economic growth, and Vale Base Metals plays a pivotal role in this regard. Our commitment to the community is as deep as our mines. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Pay Grade: 17V Apply by: December 8, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26187078", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26177574, "name": "Mechanical Maintenance Planner", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Concentrat-Fixd Plant Main (S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1732048310, "t_create": 1731974400, "ats_job_id": "1078741", "display_job_id": "1078741", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078741-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Mechanical Maintenance Planner to join our Integrated Planning Team in Voisey's Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. Relocation to the province of Newfoundland & Labrador will be required for this role This is a permanent on-site position, working 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off schedule. As a Mechanical Maintenance Planner, you will support our Surface Fixed Plant Maintenance and Utilities Maintenance departments at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. You will be responsible for maintaining maintenance plans for all fixed plant equipment. Your experience and skills will aid the maintenance team to stay focused and on track with the scheduled short- and long-term plans. Additionally, in this position you will: Manage the work order screening process, review work requests along with other members to determine legitimacy and prioritization of work. Create accurate plans for the scheduling and workforce forecasting for weekly, monthly and long-term maintenance schedules. Pay attention to Safety and Risk in all aspects of maintenance work scopes and daily routines. Identify and assist in the procurement of all parts and materials required for equipment repairs. Coordinate with warehousing and purchasing to manage parts requirements and delivery schedules. Participate in creating and continuous improvement of PMs, Task Lists and BOMs. Coordinate contractor support and assist Maintenance Supervisors with daily tasks. About You Education: Post-secondary education is required. Interprovincial Red Seal in Millwright, Pipefitting or another Mechanical discipline is preferred. Experience: 5 years of experience in a similar role related to maintenance planning and scheduling is preferred. Skills: Knowledge in the operation of mining repair facilities with a focus on mechanical systems. Understanding of computerized work management and asset management concepts and systems. Strong computer usage skills in SAP, BMS, Microsoft Products (Excel, Outlook, Word), Business Objects, Manufacturer Technical Online Support Services, etc. Ability to schedule, prioritize, and manage tasks with minimal supervision. Knowledge of codes and the ability to read prints and schematics. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, personal, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Relocation Assistance Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.) Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Pay Grade: H01 Apply by: Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26177574", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26174051, "name": "ANALISTA OPERACIONAL PLENO - PREFERENCIAL PARA MULHERES", "location": "SAO GONCALO DO RIO ABAIXO, MG,", "locations": ["SAO GONCALO DO RIO ABAIXO, MG,"], "hot": 0, "department": "FACILITIES COND MINAS CENTRAIS", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1732289491, "t_create": 1731974400, "ats_job_id": "1078721", "display_job_id": "1078721", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078721-en", "job_description": null, "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26174051", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26107828, "name": "ANALISTA DE TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMA\u00c7\u00c3O E AUTOMA\u00c7\u00c3O MASTER \u2013 FERROVIA \u2013 VAGA PREFERENCIAL PARA MULHERES", "location": "SAO LUIS, MA, BRA", "locations": ["SAO LUIS, MA, BRA"], "hot": 0, "department": "ATEND DOM TEC PEL BRIQ FER POR", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1732210661, "t_create": 1731888000, "ats_job_id": "1078676", "display_job_id": "1078676", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078676-en", "job_description": "Por que vagas preferenciais para mulheres? A Vale est\u00e1 em uma jornada de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o, na busca de se tornar uma empresa mais diversa, equitativa e inclusiva. Al\u00e9m disso, acreditamos que o avan\u00e7o em equidade de g\u00eanero contribui para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de um futuro melhor para todos. Queremos aumentar a representatividade de todas as mulheres: pretas, brancas, com qualquer identidade de g\u00eanero e orienta\u00e7\u00e3o sexual ou que tenham algum tipo de defici\u00eancia.\u00a0 Entendemos que iniciativas com foco em vagas preferenciais contribuem para avan\u00e7os na cria\u00e7\u00e3o de um ambiente cada vez mais colaborativo, inovador e atrativo para novos talentos. Por isso, valorizamos em diferentes a\u00e7\u00f5es e processos seletivos a participa\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os diferentes perfis de candidatos e candidatas, nas diferentes dimens\u00f5es de grupos que integram a agenda de Diversidade, Equidade e Inclus\u00e3o.\u00a0\u00a0 O processo seletivo para esta posi\u00e7\u00e3o segue o mesmo formato, etapas e formas de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o de outros programas de recrutamento da Vale.\u00a0 Juntos, a gente transforma o futuro. A Vale tem uma hist\u00f3ria de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o. Na minera\u00e7\u00e3o, atuamos para transformar recursos naturais em prosperidade e desenvolvimento sustent\u00e1vel. Na seguran\u00e7a, buscamos aprender com o passado para evoluir diariamente e se tornar refer\u00eancia de confiabilidade.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Nossas pessoas fazem parte de toda esta jornada de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o e evolu\u00e7\u00e3o. Afinal, o nosso compromisso \u00e9 com a vida. A Vale existe para melhorar a vida e transformar o futuro. Juntos.\u00a0 Acreditamos que a minera\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 essencial para o desenvolvimento do mundo e precisamos deixar um legado para o meio ambiente, para as comunidades em que estamos e para todas as vidas que tocamos.\u00a0 Nos orgulhamos de empregar mais de 120 mil pessoas, em 30 pa\u00edses. Somente com esta for\u00e7a, nos tornamos a maior mineradora do mundo em min\u00e9rio de ferro, pelotas e n\u00edquel. Tamb\u00e9m atuamos nas \u00e1reas de log\u00edstica, energia e siderurgia.\u00a0 Quer conhecer nossa oportunidade? N\u00b0 de Vagas:\u00a01 Forma\u00e7\u00e3o:\u00a0Engenharia de Automa\u00e7\u00e3o, Tecnologia ou \u00e1reas afins Localidade:\u00a0\u00a0S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds, MA, BRA Hor\u00e1rio de Trabalho:\u00a0\u00a0Diurno Modalidade de trabalho: Hibrido Tipo de contrato:\u00a0Indeterminado Per\u00edodo de inscri\u00e7\u00e3o: 21/11/2024 a 27/11/2024 Como profissional, voc\u00ea vai... \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Participar ativamente do desdobramento e implementa\u00e7\u00e3o da estrat\u00e9gia de Tecnologia para os Dom\u00ednios de Ferrovias e Portos, alinhados aos objetivos de neg\u00f3cio, atrav\u00e9s das agendas estrat\u00e9gicas (Master Plan, Planejamento Estrat\u00e9gico, Hoshin, f\u00f3runs Tech e Comit\u00ea de Investimentos), da identifica\u00e7\u00e3o de problemas, da elabora\u00e7\u00e3o de Business Cases e da prioriza\u00e7\u00e3o de roadmap que capturem o m\u00e1ximo valor para a Vale; \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Realizar a an\u00e1lise e integra\u00e7\u00e3o de iniciativas estrat\u00e9gicas dos Dom\u00ednios de Ferrovias e Portos das unidades de neg\u00f3cios para fins de mapeamento e prioriza\u00e7\u00e3o de solu\u00e7\u00f5es que permitam alavancar e ou destravar gargalos operacionais e gest\u00e3o de servi\u00e7os de tecnologia; \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Garantir a performance do portf\u00f3lio de projetos de tecnologia para os Dom\u00ednios de Ferrovias e Portos, mobilizando recursos, monitorando a qualidade das entregas, alinhando as expectativas entre os clientes e garantindo os benef\u00edcios associados; \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Fazer a governan\u00e7a e manter estrat\u00e9gias tecnol\u00f3gicas para os clientes dos Dom\u00ednios Ferrovia e Portos de forma a suportar as necessidades operacionais; \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Levantar problemas desdobrados da estrat\u00e9gia operacional e priorizar os problemas com base nos objetivos estrat\u00e9gicos do neg\u00f3cio \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Coordenar a elabora\u00e7\u00e3o de Business Case conforme estrat\u00e9gia do neg\u00f3cio e acompanhar a medi\u00e7\u00e3o de valor e capturar benef\u00edcios das solu\u00e7\u00f5es implantadas e dos projetos em andamento; \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Garantir a experi\u00eancia e a utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o efetiva das solu\u00e7\u00f5es tecnol\u00f3gicas pelos clientes; \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Atua\u00e7\u00e3o nas \u00e1reas de servi\u00e7os, redes de inova\u00e7\u00e3o internas e externas.\u00a0 Estamos muito felizes por ter algu\u00e9m como voc\u00ea: \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Conhecimento t\u00e9cnico operacional de processos industriais especialmente para os dom\u00ednios de Ferrovias e Portos; \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Experi\u00eancia na implanta\u00e7\u00e3o de solu\u00e7\u00f5es tecnol\u00f3gicas, gest\u00e3o de portf\u00f3lio e elabora\u00e7\u00e3o de business cases de projetos especialmente para os Dom\u00ednios de Ferrovias e Portos; \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Desej\u00e1vel conhecimento b\u00e1sico das normas e requisitos da ISO 55.000, 55.001 e 55.002; \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Desej\u00e1vel ingl\u00eas avan\u00e7ado. Como \u00e9 trabalhar na Vale? Para transformar o futuro temos de cuidar do presente. Apostamos em um ambiente cada vez mais aberto, em que as pessoas possam ser mais aut\u00f4nomas e buscar o seu desenvolvimento pessoal.\u00a0\u00a0 Criamos para os nossos colaboradores um portf\u00f3lio de treinamentos e capacita\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00e9cnicas, de gest\u00e3o e de lideran\u00e7a ou transversais. Acreditamos em quem faz a nossa empresa.\u00a0 Solicitamos aos trabalhadores que se vacinem contra a COVID-19 e que apresentem o cart\u00e3o de vacina\u00e7\u00e3o com os dados do imunizante, ou carteira de vacina\u00e7\u00e3o digital gerada pelo Conecte SUS.\u00a0 Um pouco do que a Vale oferece para voc\u00ea \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Previd\u00eancia Privada\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0PLR - Programa de Participa\u00e7\u00e3o nos Lucros e Resultados\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Reembolso Creche ou Aux\u00edlio Bab\u00e1 para empregadas\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Assist\u00eancia M\u00e9dica e Hospitalar, odontol\u00f3gica, farmacol\u00f3gica e vacinas para preven\u00e7\u00e3o de doen\u00e7as Infectocontagiosas\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0PASA - Planos de sa\u00fade para familiares de empregados ou para o pr\u00f3prio empregado, em caso de aposentadoria ou desligamento\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Seguro de Vida em Grupo\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Aux\u00edlio funeral\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Apoiar - Programa de Assist\u00eancia ao Empregado e seus dependentes.\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Vale alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Vale refei\u00e7\u00e3o ou Refei\u00e7\u00f5es no trabalho concedidas em restaurantes industriais\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Vale alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o extra para o Natal\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Cart\u00e3o presente no final do ano para Dependentes, filhos, enteados e menores sob guarda com at\u00e9 10 anos\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Transporte fretado ou Vale transporte.\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Gympass\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Programa Bem-Estar\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Passagens no trem de passageiros na Estrada de Ferro Vit\u00f3ria a Minas (EFVM) e/ou na Estrada de Ferro Caraj\u00e1s (EFC).\u00a0 \u00b7\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Desconto para aluguel de carros\u00a0 EXISTIMOS PARA MELHORAR A VIDA E TRANSFORMAR O FUTURO. JUNTOS.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26107828", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26105990, "name": "Electrician", "location": "Port Colborne, ON, CAN", "locations": ["Port Colborne, ON, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "PT Col-Plant Services-Gen(H)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1731938209, "t_create": 1731888000, "ats_job_id": "1078674", "display_job_id": "1078674", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078674-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking an Electrician to join our Maintenance Department in Port Colborne, Ontario. This is a permanent position. As a Electrician, you will be responsible for installing and dismantling electronic equipment to inspecting and maintaining electronic equipment. Your experience and skills will contribute to scheduled or emergency repairs, installation, inspection, and preventative maintenance work. Additionally, in this position, you will: Install, dismantle, construct, calibrate, inspect, maintain, adjust, modify, repair, and test plant and mine electrical and electronic equipment and circuits, power distribution protection, and communication systems. Align with work safety policies and safety regulations. About You: Fully Licensed Journeyperson: Trade Certification: An inter-Provincial Red Seal (Certificate of Qualification) as an Industrial Electrician (442A) or Construction and Maintenance Electrician (309A). Experience: 4 or more years of industrial experience is preferred. Skills: Thorough knowledge of electrical and electronic principles is required. The ability to analyze electrical prints and equipment manuals to safely troubleshoot electrical circuits, system controls, and protection devices is required. Experience with troubleshooting PLC's, high voltage cable splicing, and the set-up of various electrical devices is considered an asset. What We Offer You Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, flex, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Why Port Colborne Located on the beautiful north shore of Lake Erie, Port Colborne is an important industrial hub known for its maritime heritage. Our refinery processes nickel, copper, cobalt, and precious metals and the facility is crucial for refining these metals to high purity levels. Our operations supports the local economy and reinforces Canada's position as a key player in the increasing electrification of the global economy. The refinery's commitment to environmental sustainability and technological innovation underscores Vale's dedication to responsible mining and refining practices. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Apply by: Monday, December 9th, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26105990", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26090561, "name": "ENGENHEIRA(O) MASTER \u2013 IMPLANTA\u00c7\u00c3O PROJETO FICO - VAGA PREFERENCIAL PARA MULHERES", "location": "ALTO HORIZONTE, GO, BRA", "locations": ["ALTO HORIZONTE, GO, BRA"], "hot": 0, "department": "IMPL FICO LOTE 7", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1732030818, "t_create": 1731628800, "ats_job_id": "1078667", "display_job_id": "1078667", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078667-en", "job_description": "Al\u00e9m disso, acreditamos que o avan\u00e7o em equidade de g\u00eanero contribui para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de um futuro melhor para todos. Queremos aumentar a representatividade de todas as mulheres: pretas, brancas, com qualquer identidade de g\u00eanero e orienta\u00e7\u00e3o sexual ou que tenham algum tipo de defici\u00eancia. Entendemos que iniciativas com foco em vagas preferenciais contribuem para avan\u00e7os na cria\u00e7\u00e3o de um ambiente cada vez mais colaborativo, inovador e atrativo para novos talentos. Por isso, valorizamos em diferentes a\u00e7\u00f5es e processos seletivos a participa\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os diferentes perfis de candidatos e candidatas, nas diferentes dimens\u00f5es de grupos que integram a agenda de Diversidade, Equidade e Inclus\u00e3o. Juntos, a gente transforma o futuro. Na minera\u00e7\u00e3o, atuamos para transformar recursos naturais em prosperidade e desenvolvimento sustent\u00e1vel. Na seguran\u00e7a, buscamos aprender com o passado para evoluir diariamente e se tornar refer\u00eancia de confiabilidade. Nossas pessoas fazem parte de toda esta jornada de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o e evolu\u00e7\u00e3o. Afinal, o nosso compromisso \u00e9 com a vida. Juntos. Acreditamos que a minera\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 essencial para o desenvolvimento do mundo e precisamos deixar um legado para o meio ambiente, para as comunidades em que estamos e para todas as vidas que tocamos. Nos orgulhamos de empregar mais de 120 mil pessoas, em 30 pa\u00edses. Somente com esta for\u00e7a, nos tornamos a maior mineradora do mundo em min\u00e9rio de ferro, pelotas e n\u00edquel. Tamb\u00e9m atuamos nas \u00e1reas de log\u00edstica, energia e siderurgia. Quer conhecer nossa oportunidade? N\u00b0 de Vagas: 01 Forma\u00e7\u00e3o: Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o Superior Completa em Engenharia Civil, Produ\u00e7\u00e3o ou Mec\u00e2nica Localidade: Alto Horizonte - Goi\u00e1s (Cocalinho/MT), Brasil Hor\u00e1rio de Trabalho: 07:30 as 16:30 Tipo de contrato: Indeterminado Per\u00edodo de inscri\u00e7\u00e3o: de 19/11/2024 a 26/11/2024 Como profissional, voc\u00ea vai... Interface com respons\u00e1veis das diversas disciplinas do Projeto, principalmente S&SMAC, Planejamento, Qualidade e Gest\u00e3o de Contratos, para compreens\u00e3o das restri\u00e7\u00f5es dos projetos; Planejamento, programa\u00e7\u00e3o e acompanhamento em campo das atividades sob sua responsabilidade, visando mitigar os riscos de n\u00e3o cumprimento dos marcos contratuais do empreendimento; Relacionamento e integra\u00e7\u00e3o com diversos clientes internos buscando a preven\u00e7\u00e3o no longo prazo e entrega final das obras; Analisar documenta\u00e7\u00f5es mensais que comp\u00f5e os books de medi\u00e7\u00e3o, inclusive data-book e RMA (relat\u00f3rio mensal de atividades); Realizar reuni\u00f5es com equipe interna e contratadas continuamente para discuss\u00e3o dos cumprimentos de objetivos e metas; Realizar a gest\u00e3o e o controle de quantidades em obra; Suportar as equipes na elabora\u00e7\u00e3o de planos de a\u00e7\u00e3o e resposta as n\u00e3o-conformidades; Ter vis\u00e3o proativa na maximiza\u00e7\u00e3o de oportunidades e na antecipa\u00e7\u00e3o de problemas; Acompanhar as rotinas do setor em acordo com os procedimentos, com foco m\u00e1ximo em S&SMACQ; Avaliar justificativas de desvios e propostas de plano de a\u00e7\u00e3o para mitiga\u00e7\u00e3o de impactos. Assist\u00eancia M\u00e9dica e Hospitalar, Odontol\u00f3gica, farmacol\u00f3gica e vacinas para preven\u00e7\u00e3o de doen\u00e7as Infectocontagiosas", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26090561", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26061992, "name": "OFICIAL DE VIA PERMANENTE (Vaga afirmativa para Pessoa com Defici\u00eancia) \u2013 \u200bATIVOS LINEARES\u200b\u2013 \u200bFERROVIA\u200b", "location": "BACABEIRA, MA, BRA", "locations": ["BACABEIRA, MA, BRA"], "hot": 0, "department": "Sup Superestrutura BAC", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1732050382, "t_create": 1731542400, "ats_job_id": "1078633", "display_job_id": "1078633", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078633-en", "job_description": "Venha trabalhar com a gente e nos ajudar a fazer um novo futuro Aten\u00e7\u00e3o: \u00e9 necess\u00e1rio anexar seu curr\u00edculo no ato da inscri\u00e7\u00e3o. A triagem para o processo seletivo \u00e9 realizada atrav\u00e9s da leitura do seu curr\u00edculo anexado, caso j\u00e1 esteja anexado, lembre-se de manter o arquivo atualizado. Manter o curr\u00edculo atualizado aumenta as suas chances de sucesso no processo seletivo. Vacinas salvam vidas A Vale coloca a vida em primeiro lugar e apoia todas as formas de prote\u00e7\u00e3o individual e coletiva da vida e sa\u00fade. Por isso, acreditamos na vacina como a melhor forma de combater a pandemia do COVID19. Vacinar-se \u00e9 a maneira mais segura de conter a pandemia. De acordo com o Plano Nacional de Imuniza\u00e7\u00e3o (PNI), do Governo Federal, todos os brasileiros e as brasileiras dever\u00e3o tomar a vacina. Todos os imunizantes dispon\u00edveis passaram por criteriosos testes antes de serem aplicados nas pessoas. Al\u00e9m disso, os resultados positivos s\u00f3 comprovam a efic\u00e1cia. Mais de 91 milh\u00f5es de pessoas no pa\u00eds est\u00e3o totalmente vacinadas ao tomar a segunda dose ou a dose \u00fanica de imunizantes. Solicitamos aos trabalhadores e as trabalhadoras que se vacinem contra a COVID-19 e que apresentem o cart\u00e3o de vacina\u00e7\u00e3o com os dados do imunizante, ou carteira de vacina\u00e7\u00e3o digital gerada pelo Conecte SUS. \u00c9 responsabilidade de todos n\u00f3s cuidar da prote\u00e7\u00e3o da nossa sa\u00fade e daqueles que nos rodeiam, dentro e fora da empresa. Fique ciente, a prote\u00e7\u00e3o da vida \u00e9 um valor inegoci\u00e1vel para a Vale, e por isso ao longo do processo seletivo essa solicita\u00e7\u00e3o ser\u00e1 feita a voc\u00ea. A vacina\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 um ato coletivo. Quando voc\u00ea se vacina, voc\u00ea tamb\u00e9m protege quem est\u00e1 \u00e0 sua volta e contribui para a diminui\u00e7\u00e3o de casos. Juntos, a gente transforma o futuro Somos a maior mineradora do mundo em min\u00e9rio de ferro, pelotas e n\u00edquel. Empregamos mais de 120 mil pessoas em 30 pa\u00edses. Tamb\u00e9m atuamos nas \u00e1reas de log\u00edstica, energia e siderurgia. E estamos trabalhando para a Vale ser refer\u00eancia em seguran\u00e7a e l\u00edder em desenvolvimento sustent\u00e1vel. Porque a gente acredita que a minera\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 essencial para o desenvolvimento do mundo e precisamos deixar um legado para o meio ambiente, para as comunidades em que estamos e para todas as vidas que tocamos. O jeito de ser da Vale A Vale est\u00e1 sempre mudando. A gente transforma o min\u00e9rio. A gente transforma o pa\u00eds. Porque o mais importante, para n\u00f3s, s\u00e3o as pessoas. Sem elas, n\u00e3o vamos conseguir alcan\u00e7ar o futuro que a gente quer. Esse \u00e9 o jeito de ser da Vale, a nossa raz\u00e3o de existir: melhorar a vida e transformar o futuro. E temos de fazer isso juntos, aprendendo todos os dias. Por que a Vale? Porque aqui existem muitas possibilidades para voc\u00ea: Estamos em 5 estados brasileiros em 3 regi\u00f5es diferentes Voc\u00ea tem a oportunidade de ter uma experi\u00eancia global, trabalhar em diferentes regi\u00f5es do pa\u00eds e do mundo. Somos uma empresa cada vez mais inclusiva e com oportunidades abertas para todos, sem distin\u00e7\u00e3o. Incentivamos a participa\u00e7\u00e3o de mulheres, negras, negros, LGBTQIA+ e PcDs no processo seletivo. Estamos entre as 10 empresas dos sonhos dos jovens e na vis\u00e3o dos gestores, para se trabalhar. Criamos para os nossos colaboradores um portf\u00f3lio de treinamentos e capacita\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00e9cnicas, de gest\u00e3o e de lideran\u00e7a ou transversais. Acreditamos em quem faz a nossa empresa. O nosso papel \u00e9 melhorar a vida. Entre nossas principais metas est\u00e3o diminuir o consumo de \u00e1gua, reduzir as emiss\u00f5es de carbono - para a Vale se tornar carbono neutra at\u00e9 2050 -, recuperar florestas, produzir 100% de energia limpa. Quer conhecer nossa oportunidade? N\u00b0 de Vagas: 1 Forma\u00e7\u00e3o: Ensino M\u00e9dio Completo Localidade: Bacabeira, Maranh\u00e3o, Brasil Hor\u00e1rio de Trabalho: Turno Diurno de 7:00 \u00e0s 16:00 Tipo de contrato: Indeterminado Per\u00edodo de inscri\u00e7\u00e3o: de 19/11/2024 a 26/11/2024 O que precisamos que voc\u00ea tenha obrigatoriamente: Ensino M\u00e9dio Completo Resida em Bacabeira ou regi\u00f5es adjacentes (Ros\u00e1rio) Vaga exclusiva para Pessoas com Defici\u00eancia O que desejamos que voc\u00ea apresente: CNH D Curso T\u00e9cnico em Edifica\u00e7\u00f5es ou Estradas. O que voc\u00ea vai fazer aqui na Vale: Substitui\u00e7\u00e3o de TLS (trilho longo soldado) e o trilho curto Extra\u00e7\u00e3o e instala\u00e7\u00e3o de fixa\u00e7\u00e3o Limpeza de lastro ferrovi\u00e1rio Auxiliar na execu\u00e7\u00e3o da solda Opera\u00e7\u00e3o de m\u00e1quinas de pequeno porte Um pouco do que a Vale oferece para voc\u00ea Previd\u00eancia Privada PLR - Programa de Participa\u00e7\u00e3o nos Lucros e Resultados Reembolso Creche ou Aux\u00edlio Bab\u00e1 para empregadas Assist\u00eancia M\u00e9dica e Hospitalar, Odontol\u00f3gica, farmacol\u00f3gica e vacinas para preven\u00e7\u00e3o de doen\u00e7as Infectocontagiosas PASA - Plan\u200bos de sa\u00fade para familiares de empregados ou para o pr\u00f3prio empregado, em caso de aposentadoria ou desligamento Seguro de Vida em Grupo Auxilio funeral Apoiar - Programa de Assist\u00eancia ao Empregado e seus dependentes. Vale alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o Vale refei\u00e7\u00e3o ou Refei\u00e7\u00f5es no trabalho concedidas em restaurantes industriais Vale alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o extra para o Natal Cart\u00e3o presente no final do ano para Dependentes, filhos, enteados e menores sob guarda com at\u00e9 10 anos Transporte fretado ou Vale transporte. Incentivo \u00e0 atividade f\u00edsica - Wellhub Programa Bem-Estar Passagens no trem de passageiros na Estrada de Ferro Vit\u00f3ria a Minas (EFVM) e/ou na Estrada de Ferro Caraj\u00e1s (EFC). Desconto para aluguel de carros Entre outros... Seja voc\u00ea! Quanto mais pessoas com vis\u00f5es diferentes, outros pontos de vista, mais a Vale evolui. Toda pessoa tem de ser ouvida, e ter a mesma oportunidade de se desenvolver aqui dentro. Essa \u00e9 a verdadeira inclus\u00e3o. O que realmente importa \u00e9 trabalhar com gente que quer fazer as coisas acontecerem. Queremos conhecer o seu potencial. Queremos protagonistas. Algu\u00e9m que quer sempre aprender, correr atr\u00e1s dos seus objetivos, gosta de desafios e tem um esp\u00edrito colaborativo. Sentimos muito orgulho de estimular o crescimento de quem trabalha aqui conosco. Porque o desenvolvimento e a qualifica\u00e7\u00e3o dos nossos colaboradores e colaboradoras s\u00e3o fundamentais para a nossa transforma\u00e7\u00e3o cultural. A gente d\u00e1 as ferramentas, mas \u00e9 voc\u00ea que vai construir a sua carreira. Oportunidades para todas as pessoas Voc\u00ea sabe a diferen\u00e7a entre diversidade e inclus\u00e3o? Diversidade significa ter, no ambiente de trabalho, pessoas de todas as ra\u00e7as, credos, cores, religi\u00f5es, culturas, orienta\u00e7\u00f5es sexuais, caracter\u00edsticas f\u00edsicas. Inclus\u00e3o \u00e9 dar real espa\u00e7o para todas as pessoas se desenvolverem na carreira, com equidade e oportunidades para qualquer cargo. Trabalhamos para construir um ambiente em que todos e todas se sintam aceitos e respeitados. Aqui na Vale temos o compromisso de garantir um ambiente de trabalho diverso e inclusivo. Todas as oportunidades est\u00e3o abertas para pessoas com defici\u00eancia (PCD) e reabilitados do INSS. Ficou curioso para conhecer um pouco mais da Vale? Acesse www.vale.com Conhe\u00e7a tamb\u00e9m nossa Pol\u00edtica de diversidade A Vale n\u00e3o realiza nenhum tipo de cobran\u00e7a para participa\u00e7\u00e3o em nenhuma etapa dos seus processos seletivos. Todas as candidaturas devem ser feitas exclusivamente pelo nosso site ou por meio de vagas postadas no perfil da Vale no LinkedIn. VALE. Acima de tudo, SOMOS MOVIDOS POR PESSOAS.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26061992", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26059164, "name": "OPERADORA(O) DE EQUIPAMENTOS E INSTALA\u00c7\u00d5ES II \u2013 EQUIPAMENTOS DE MINERA\u00c7\u00c3O - VAGA PREFERENCIAL PARA MULHERES", "location": "ITABIRITO, MG, BRA", "locations": ["ITABIRITO, MG, BRA", "Amarantina, Ouro Preto - State of Minas Gerais, Brazil", "Ouro Preto, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil", "Cachoeira do Campo", "Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil"], "hot": 0, "department": "SUP INFRA MINA PICO - A", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1732221117, "t_create": 1731542400, "ats_job_id": "1078619", "display_job_id": "1078619", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078619-en", "job_description": "Al\u00e9m disso, acreditamos que o avan\u00e7o em equidade de g\u00eanero contribui para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de um futuro melhor para todos. Queremos aumentar a representatividade de todas as mulheres: pretas, brancas, com qualquer identidade de g\u00eanero e orienta\u00e7\u00e3o sexual ou que tenham algum tipo de defici\u00eancia. Entendemos que iniciativas com foco em vagas preferenciais contribuem para avan\u00e7os na cria\u00e7\u00e3o de um ambiente cada vez mais colaborativo, inovador e atrativo para novos talentos. Por isso, valorizamos em diferentes a\u00e7\u00f5es e processos seletivos a participa\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os diferentes perfis de candidatos e candidatas, nas diferentes dimens\u00f5es de grupos que integram a agenda de Diversidade, Equidade e Inclus\u00e3o. Juntos, a gente transforma o futuro. Na minera\u00e7\u00e3o, atuamos para transformar recursos naturais em prosperidade e desenvolvimento sustent\u00e1vel. Na seguran\u00e7a, buscamos aprender com o passado para evoluir diariamente e se tornar refer\u00eancia de confiabilidade. Nossas pessoas fazem parte de toda esta jornada de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o e evolu\u00e7\u00e3o. Afinal, o nosso compromisso \u00e9 com a vida. Juntos. Acreditamos que a minera\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 essencial para o desenvolvimento do mundo e precisamos deixar um legado para o meio ambiente, para as comunidades em que estamos e para todas as vidas que tocamos. Nos orgulhamos de empregar mais de 120 mil pessoas, em 30 pa\u00edses. Somente com esta for\u00e7a, nos tornamos a maior mineradora do mundo em min\u00e9rio de ferro, pelotas e n\u00edquel. Tamb\u00e9m atuamos nas \u00e1reas de log\u00edstica, energia e siderurgia. Quer conhecer nossa oportunidade? N\u00b0 de Vagas: 02 Forma\u00e7\u00e3o: Ensino M\u00e9dio Completo Localidade: Nova Lima, MG, Brasil Mina do Pico Hor\u00e1rio de Trabalho: Escala 3x3: 06:00 h as 18:00 h ou de 18:00 h as 06:00 h Tipo de contrato: Indeterminado Per\u00edodo de inscri\u00e7\u00e3o: de 21/11/2024 at\u00e9 27/11/2024 Como profissional, voc\u00ea vai... Operar equipamentos e instala\u00e7\u00f5es de minera\u00e7\u00e3o, tais como: equipamentos de perfura\u00e7\u00e3o e escava\u00e7\u00e3o, tratores, motoniveladoras, caminh\u00f5es r\u00edgidos e articulados, escavadeira e/ou p\u00e1 carregadeira; Executar os procedimentos operacionais atendendo normas de seguran\u00e7a, meio ambiente e qualidade; Manter e orientar a limpeza do setor e de equipamentos; Efetuar o abastecimento do equipamento sob sua responsabilidade; Realizar atividades de 5S nas \u00e1reas operacionais e nos equipamentos; Auxiliar na limpeza e conserva\u00e7\u00e3o das \u00e1reas operacionais e dos postos de trabalho; Participar de grupos de melhorias continua. Assist\u00eancia M\u00e9dica e Hospitalar, Odontol\u00f3gica, farmacol\u00f3gica e vacinas para preven\u00e7\u00e3o de doen\u00e7as Infectocontagiosas", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26059164", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 118, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 1, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 3.7, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": ""}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": null, "facetDisplaySort": {"skills": "count_desc", "departments": "count_desc", "seniority": "count_desc", "work_location_option": "count_desc", "locations": "count_desc"}, "facets": {"skills": {"SAP": 30, "MINERA\u00c7\u00c3O": 20, "Microsoft Excel": 19, "Seguran\u00e7a": 15, "Maintenance": 14, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O": 13, "Microsoft Power BI": 12, "Confiabilidade": 11, "Lideran\u00e7a": 11, "Operations": 11, "Mec\u00e2nica": 10, "CNH B": 9, "Mining": 8, "Planejamento": 8, "Treinamento": 8, "AutoCAD": 7, "Log\u00edstica": 7, "Transportation": 7, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O PREVENTIVA": 6, "Microsoft Office": 6, "WHMIS": 6, "CNH D": 5, "Geology": 5, "PCM": 5, "Pacote Office": 5, "Programa\u00e7\u00e3o": 5, "Programmable Logic Controllers": 5, "Training": 5, "Troubleshooting": 5, "Welding": 5, "Atividade": 4, "CFT": 4, "CNH": 4, "Engenharia": 4, "Ferrovia": 4, "Gest\u00e3o": 4, "Inova\u00e7\u00e3o": 4, "Instrumentation": 4, "Milling": 4, "Power Bi": 4, "RAC": 4, "Scheduling": 4, "Seguro": 4, "Siderurgia": 4, "Sistema": 4, "Escavadeira": 4, "NORMAS Regulamentadoras": 4, "Aberto": 3, "An\u00e1lise": 3, "CNH C": 3, "COMUNICA\u00c7\u00c3O": 3, "Communication": 3, "Componentes Mec\u00e2nicos": 3, "Coordena\u00e7\u00e3o": 3, "Electrical Systems": 3, "Ensino": 3, "Fall Protection": 3, "Gest\u00e3o De Pessoas": 3, "Gest\u00e3o De Seguran\u00e7a": 3, "Healthcare": 3, "INGL\u00caS": 3, "Investigation": 3, "Kaizen": 3, "Leadership": 3, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O Industrial": 3, "Microsoft Project": 3, "Part Inspection": 3, "Planejamento De Mina": 3, "P\u00e1 Carregadeira": 3, "Redu\u00e7\u00e3o De Custos": 3, "Rigging": 3, "SSMA": 3, "Soldagem": 3, "Transforma\u00e7\u00e3o": 3, "Caminh\u00e3o Fora De Estrada": 3, "Oxi-Acetil\u00eanicos": 3, "Pessoa Com Defici\u00eancia": 3, "Usina": 3, "AUTOMA\u00c7\u00c3O": 2, "Acompanhamento": 2, "Alinhamento a Laser": 2, "Analise De Acidente": 2, "CID": 2, "CPR": 2, "Cable Splicing": 2, "Circuits": 2, "Combat": 2, "Construction": 2, "Construction and Maintenance": 2, "Desenhos T\u00c9CNICOS": 2, "Disponibilidade": 2, "E-Procurement": 2, "EFVM": 2, "Efficiency": 2, "Electrical Devices": 2, "Electrical Engineering": 2, "Electrical Wiring": 2}, "departments": {"GER MONIT INT E PMO PLANEJ INT": 3, "SUP OPER MINA SERRA LESTE A": 3, "COORD MANUT MECANICA": 2, "COORD SEGURANCA TRABALHO III": 2, "Ger Estrat\u00e9gia e Desempenho": 2, "Ger Geo Explo Brownf Sudeste": 2, "Ger Projeto Estra Miner e Inov": 2, "SUP DE TURNO B97": 2, "Sup Manut Classifica\u00e7\u00e3o": 2, "Sup Manut Prev Descarga 7h": 2, "Supervis\u00e3o de Inspe\u00e7\u00e3o": 2, "AP GER TI ARQUIT INFORMACAO": 1, "AP OPERACAO USINA VGR I E II_1": 1, "AP SUP OP MINA CMT A_CAT 789": 1, "ATEND DOM TEC PEL BRIQ FER POR": 1, "Ap Sup Compra/Sobressalentes": 1, "Ap. 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