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principal provedor de dados e informa\u00e7\u00f5es do Pa\u00eds), qual cor/ra\u00e7a voc\u00ea se declara?\":\n \"\",\n \"Qual a sua orienta\u00e7\u00e3o afetivo-sexual?\":\n \"'Indica como nos sentimos em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 atra\u00e7\u00e3o afetiva e/ou sexual nos relacionamentos'\",\n \"Voc\u00ea se considera uma Pessoa com Defici\u00eancia?\":\n \"'Pessoas com defici\u00eancia s\u00e3o aquelas que t\u00eam impedimentos de longo prazo de natureza f\u00edsica, mental, intelectual ou sensorial, os quais podem obstruir sua participa\u00e7\u00e3o plena e efetiva na sociedade em igualdades de condi\u00e7\u00f5es com as demais pessoas.'\",\n };\n \n radio_text_to_tooltip_text = {\n \"Homem cisg\u00eanero\":\n \"'Pessoa nasceu com o \u00f3rg\u00e3o sexual masculino e se identifica com o g\u00eanero masculino'\",\n \"Mulher cisg\u00eanero\":\n \"'Pessoa nasceu com o \u00f3rg\u00e3o sexual feminino e se identifica com o g\u00eanero feminino'\",\n \"Homem trans\": \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com o g\u00eanero atribu\u00eddo ao nascimento'\",\n \"Mulher trans\": \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com o g\u00eanero atribu\u00eddo ao nascimento'\",\n \"N\u00e3o Bin\u00e1rio / Fluida\":\n \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com nenhum g\u00eanero ou se identifica com ambos os g\u00eaneros'\",\n Branca: \"'Pessoas de apar\u00eancia e pele branca'\",\n Preta: \"'Pessoas que t\u00eam pele escura'\",\n Amarela:\n \"'Pessoas com descend\u00eancia asi\u00e1tica \u2013 japonesas, chinesas, coreanas, etc'\",\n Parda:\n \"'Pessoas de pele mais clara porque s\u00e3o mesti\u00e7as \u2013 filhas de pessoas brancas e pretas, de ind\u00edgenas e brancas ou de ind\u00edgenas e pretas'\",\n Ind\u00edgena: \"'Pessoas descendentes de \u00edndios(as)'\",\n Heterossexual:\n \"'Pessoa que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com pessoa do g\u00eanero oposto.'\",\n Gay: \"'Homem que se sente atra\u00eddo e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com outro homem.'\",\n L\u00e9sbica:\n \"'Mulher que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com outra mulher.'\",\n Bissexual:\n \"'Pessoa que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com pessoas de todos os g\u00eaneros.'\",\n };\n\n for (question in questions) {\n current_question = $(`.apply-item-title:contains(${question})`)[0];\n radio_div =\n current_question.parentElement.parentElement.nextElementSibling;\n question_tooltip = questions[question];\n question_icon = `<i class='far fa-info-circle hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='' data-original-title=${question_tooltip} style='font-size: 20px;color: #288061;position: relative;top: 3px;padding:5px;' trigger='click'></i>`;\n if (question_tooltip != \"\") {\n $(current_question).append(`<span>${question_icon}</span>`);\n }\n var containers = $(radio_div).find(\".radioContainer\");\n radios = containers.find(\".radio-label\");\n radios.each(function () {\n radio_text = $(this).text();\n parent_container = $(this).parent(\".radioContainer\");\n tooltip_text = radio_text_to_tooltip_text[radio_text];\n icon = `<i class='far custom_vale_icon fa-info-circle pull-right hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='' data-original-title=${tooltip_text} style='font-size: 20px;color: #288061;position: relative;top: 10px;padding:5px;' trigger='click'></i>`;\n if (tooltip_text != undefined) {\n parent_container.append(`<span class='tablecell'>${icon}</span>`);\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\n\n// This function adds icons with hoverable tooltips to the questions on brazillian external positions\nfunction question_modifications() {\n console.log(\"Calling question_modifications\");\n\n try {\n try_adding_tooltip_icons()\n\n } catch (error) {\n\n if (is_canada_external()){\n // no modifications needed, quit\n return\n }\n if (is_canada_internal()){\n // remove numbers from questions\n $(\"span:contains('5- Please state your city') > span > span\").first().text(\"Please state your city\")\n $(\"span:contains('6- Please state your province') > span > span\").first().text(\"Please state your province\")\n return\n }\n if (is_brazil_internal()){\n // no modification needed, quit\n return\n }\n if (is_brazil_external()){\n // If we get here, then the try block was succesful and we can quit this loop\n return\n }\n\n setTimeout(question_modifications, 300);\n\n \n // // if we get here, then the questions haven't loaded yet. Re-call th\n // // above script throws a \"parentElement not found\" error if the jquery selectors fail. Jquery selector likely failing because question does not exist on DOM when script is called.\n // if ($(\".custom_vale_icon\").length == 0) {\n // console.log(\"calling tooltips recursively\");\n // }\n }\n}\n\nsetTimeout(question_modifications, 300);\n</script>", "SUCCESS_FORM_PAGE_LOAD": "", "JOIN_TALENT_NETWORK_PAGE_LOAD": ""}, "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/favicon.ico"}, "homePageHeroBanner": {"useImage": 0, "opacity": 0.8, "hideInMobileView": false, "title": "N\u00f3s utilizamos intelig\u00eancia artificial para indicar as melhores vagas para o seu perfil. A ferramenta ainda est\u00e1 em fase de aprendizagem, por isso seja compreensivo (a) caso haja indica\u00e7\u00f5es n\u00e3o coerentes com seu curr\u00edculo.", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/imageevp.jpg"}, "showJobId": 1, "links": {"videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk3SrZ6WPb0", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33Mgbclh5xw", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NFVEQ_BDN8"], "blogs": ["https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/data-governance-key-element-digital-transformation-edson-antonio/", "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/vale-experience-global-trainee-program-paula-nacif-de-moura/"]}, "companyName": "Vale", "navBar": {"opacity": 0.9, "link": "http://www.vale.com/brasil/PT/people/Paginas/Portal-de-Vagas.aspx", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/Vale_w.png", "background": "#007E7A", "title": "Vale"}, "applySuccessMessage": "Candidatura Confirmada!", "privacy": {"text": "Confirme que voc\u00ea concorda com a Pol\u00edtica de Privacidade de Dados. <br /> <br /> Pol\u00edtica - Eu reconhe\u00e7o que estou solicitando um emprego pela Vale (a 'Empresa') e, por meio desta confirma\u00e7\u00e3o, concordo com a coleta, processamento e uso de minhas informa\u00e7\u00f5es pessoais para fins de recrutamento pela Empresa. <br /> Entendo tamb\u00e9m que pretendentes que receberem oferta de emprego ser\u00e3o solicitados a se submeterem a um exame antidrogas, e a uma verifica\u00e7\u00e3o pr\u00e9-admiss\u00e3o da forma\u00e7\u00e3o educacional e empregos anteriores. <br /> Estou ciente que as respostas enviadas nesta candidatura constituem um compromisso e quaisquer informa\u00e7\u00f5es falsas ou incorretas poder\u00e3o apresentar a anula\u00e7\u00e3o da candidatura. </br> As informa\u00e7\u00f5es fornecidas ser\u00e3o mantidas em sigilo e ser\u00e3o usadas apenas de maneira consistente com a lei.<br /></b><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=G1eTeCxs70y02n1LJmoGJkk3c1lmdcxGgXQovtnt0CdUNzhXRkEzOFlFWkFUT05IUjJPUEpOTUVOSy4u\">TERMOS E CONDI\u00c7\u00d5ES</a></br></br>", "button": "Confirmar", "title": "Pol\u00edtica de Privacidade de Dados"}, "postApplyText": "Voc\u00ea receber\u00e1 uma mensagem de confirma\u00e7\u00e3o da sua candidatura no email registrado. Fique atento ao seu email para novidades sobre o processo seletivo.", "defaultState": {"pymww": true, "autoLoadFirstPosition": true}, "custom_style": {"css": ".hero-image{background-size:cover !important}.btn-primary{background-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.btn-primary:hover{background-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;color: #000 !important}.go-button{border-color: #007e7a !important;color: #007e7a !important}.btn-secondary{border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.btn-secondary:hover{border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.position-apply-button,.add-to-job-cart-button{background:#007e7a!important;border-color: #007e7a !important;color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.position-apply-button, .add-to-job-cart-button:hover{color: #ffffff !important}.people-card-matches{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.perk-icon{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.get-matched-button{font-weight:normal;font-size:12pt!important;border:0px;}.search-results-main-container .position-cards-container .card-selected {border-left-color:#007e7a!important;}.personalization-bar{background-color: #6a6a69 !important}.position-card .position-title{color: #007e7a !important}.all-positions-header h1{font-size: 20pt !important; color: rgb(0, 0, 0) !important;font-weight:bold;}.perk-icon{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.jumbotron{font-size: 200px !important}.advanced-options-button{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.jumbotron h1{font-size:24pt!important;font-weight:normal!important;margin-top: 70px !important}.position-sub-title, .custom-content-title {font-size:16pt!important;color:#000000!important;}.banner-item img{width:136px;}.banner-item {right:-43px;}.candidate-login-button{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important; border-color: #007e7a !important} .apply .refer .navbar img { height: 20px !important;}.upload-resume-modal .privacy-agreement {width: 470px !important;min-height: 590px !important;border-radius: 30px !important; padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px; !important; font-size:9pt !important}.upload-resume-modal .privacy-agreement .btn-sm {border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important} .position-count-message{color: #ffffff !important} .position-insights.p-md{visibility: hidden !important} .insights-bg{visibility: hidden !important} .col-xs-12.col-sm-12.col-md-7.no-pad-right{width: 54% !important} .match-details {visibility:hidden !important} .jumbotron h1 { text-align: left !important; margin-left: 68% !important; padding-left: 16px !important; font-size: 16px !important; padding-right: 2% !important; background-color: rgba(237,177,17, 0.85)!important; padding-top: 16px !important; padding-bottom: 16px !important; margin-top: 28px !important;} @media only screen and (max-width: 992px) {.jumbotron h1 { margin-left: 52% !important; margin-top: 50px !important;}}"}, "hideJobCart": true, "page_title": "Carreiras na Vale", "job_page_title": "Carreiras na Vale", "page_description": "Carreiras na Vale", "page_image": "", "talentNetworkBranding": {"custom_html": {"header": "", "footer": ""}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"useImage": 1, "opacity": 1, "hideInMobileView": false}, "custom_html": {"header": "", "footer": ""}, "recaptcha_enabled": 0, "uploadResumeModal": {"hideSkip": false, "hideCrossButton": false}, "resumeOptional": false, "push_application_to_ats": true, "enableNavLinks": 0, "showUploadResumeModal": 1, "recommended_star_threshold": 4, "max_applications_refer": 0, "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 26742300, "name": "Banco de oportunidades- Mec\u00e2nico(a) II- Preferencial para Mulheres", "location": "S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds, Maranh\u00e3o, Brazil", "locations": ["S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds, Maranh\u00e3o, Brazil"], "hot": 1, "department": null, "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1736652729, "t_create": 1736187831, "ats_job_id": 26742300, "display_job_id": 26742300, "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "26742300-en", "job_description": "Al\u00e9m disso, acreditamos que o avan\u00e7o em equidade de g\u00eanero contribui para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de um futuro melhor para todos. Queremos aumentar a representatividade de todas as mulheres: pretas, brancas, com qualquer identidade de g\u00eanero e orienta\u00e7\u00e3o sexual ou que tenham algum tipo de defici\u00eancia. Entendemos que iniciativas com foco em vagas preferenciais contribuem para avan\u00e7os na cria\u00e7\u00e3o de um ambiente cada vez mais colaborativo, inovador e atrativo para novos talentos. Por isso, valorizamos em diferentes a\u00e7\u00f5es e processos seletivos a participa\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os diferentes perfis de candidatos e candidatas, nas diferentes dimens\u00f5es de grupos que integram a agenda de Diversidade, Equidade e Inclus\u00e3o. Juntos, a gente transforma o futuro. Na minera\u00e7\u00e3o, atuamos para transformar recursos naturais em prosperidade e desenvolvimento sustent\u00e1vel. Na seguran\u00e7a, buscamos aprender com o passado para evoluir diariamente e se tornar refer\u00eancia de confiabilidade. Nossas pessoas fazem parte de toda esta jornada de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o e evolu\u00e7\u00e3o. Afinal, o nosso compromisso \u00e9 com a vida. Juntos. Acreditamos que a minera\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 essencial para o desenvolvimento do mundo e precisamos deixar um legado para o meio ambiente, para as comunidades em que estamos e para todas as vidas que tocamos. Nos orgulhamos de empregar mais de 120 mil pessoas, em 30 pa\u00edses. Somente com esta for\u00e7a, nos tornamos a maior mineradora do mundo em min\u00e9rio de ferro, pelotas e n\u00edquel. Tamb\u00e9m atuamos nas \u00e1reas de log\u00edstica, energia e siderurgia. Quer conhecer nossa oportunidade? Forma\u00e7\u00e3o T\u00e9cnica Completa em Mec\u00e2nica ou \u00e1reas correlatas. Certifica\u00e7\u00e3o em Soldagem (MIG/MAG, TIG e eletrodo revestido). Experi\u00eancia m\u00ednima de 2 anos em manuten\u00e7\u00e3o mec\u00e2nica e soldagem industrial, preferencialmente em minera\u00e7\u00e3o. Conhecimento em leitura e interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o de desenhos t\u00e9cnicos mec\u00e2nicos e de solda. Habilidade no uso de ferramentas de corte (ma\u00e7arico de oxicorte, esmerilhadeiras). Conhecimento em t\u00e9cnicas de recupera\u00e7\u00e3o e refor\u00e7o de estruturas met\u00e1licas. Familiaridade com normas de seguran\u00e7a, como NR-12 (Seguran\u00e7a em M\u00e1quinas e Equipamentos) e NR-18 (Condi\u00e7\u00f5es e Meio Ambiente de Trabalho na Ind\u00fastria da Constru\u00e7\u00e3o). Disponibilidade para trabalhar em regime de turno e em \u00e1reas operacionais. Experi\u00eancia em manuten\u00e7\u00e3o de outros equipamentos de minera\u00e7\u00e3o, como britadores e peneiras. Conhecimento em processos de caldeiraria e fabrica\u00e7\u00e3o de pe\u00e7as met\u00e1licas. Experi\u00eancia com soldagem em alum\u00ednio e ligas especiais. Familiaridade com sistemas de gest\u00e3o de manuten\u00e7\u00e3o, como SAP PM ou IBM Maximo. Para transformar o futuro temos de cuidar do presente. Apostamos em um ambiente cada vez mais aberto, em que as pessoas possam ser mais aut\u00f4nomas e buscar o seu desenvolvimento pessoal. Criamos para os nossos colaboradores um portf\u00f3lio de treinamentos e capacita\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00e9cnicas, de gest\u00e3o e de lideran\u00e7a ou transversais. Acreditamos em quem faz a nossa empresa. Previd\u00eancia Privada PLR - Programa de Participa\u00e7\u00e3o nos Lucros e Resultados Reembolso Creche ou Aux\u00edlio Bab\u00e1 para empregadas Assist\u00eancia M\u00e9dica e Hospitalar, Odontol\u00f3gica, farmacol\u00f3gica e vacinas para preven\u00e7\u00e3o de doen\u00e7as Infectocontagiosas PASA - Planos de sa\u00fade para familiares de empregados ou para o pr\u00f3prio empregado, em caso de aposentadoria ou desligamento Seguro de Vida em Grupo Aux\u00edlio funeral Apoiar - Programa de Assist\u00eancia ao Empregado e seus dependentes. Cart\u00e3o presente no final do ano para Dependentes, filhos, enteados e menores sob guarda com at\u00e9 10 anos Incentivo \u00e0 atividade f\u00edsica - Wellhub Programa Bem-Estar Passagens no trem de passageiros na Estrada de Ferro Vit\u00f3ria a Minas (EFVM) e/ou na Estrada de Ferro Caraj\u00e1s (EFC). Clube de Vantagens O Mec\u00e2nico Soldador \u00e9 respons\u00e1vel pela execu\u00e7\u00e3o de manuten\u00e7\u00f5es mec\u00e2nicas e servi\u00e7os de soldagem nos equipamentos do circuito de embarque, com foco em transportadores de correia e demais equipamentos de minera\u00e7\u00e3o. Este profissional desempenha um papel essencial na recupera\u00e7\u00e3o de componentes e estruturas met\u00e1licas, garantindo a disponibilidade e integridade dos ativos por meio de reparos e interven\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00e9cnicas. Executar servi\u00e7os de manuten\u00e7\u00e3o mec\u00e2nica preventiva e corretiva em transportadores de correia e outros equipamentos de minera\u00e7\u00e3o. Realizar servi\u00e7os de soldagem em a\u00e7o carbono, a\u00e7o inox e outras ligas met\u00e1licas, incluindo solda MIG/MAG, TIG e eletrodo revestido. Recuperar e refor\u00e7ar estruturas met\u00e1licas, chutes de transfer\u00eancia, tambores, suportes e outros componentes mec\u00e2nicos. Efetuar cortes e ajustes em chapas met\u00e1licas utilizando ma\u00e7arico de oxicorte e esmerilhadeiras. Montar e desmontar componentes mec\u00e2nicos para realiza\u00e7\u00e3o de reparos e soldagens. Diagnosticar falhas e desgastes em estruturas met\u00e1licas e propor solu\u00e7\u00f5es para corre\u00e7\u00e3o. Garantir a qualidade das soldas e realizar inspe\u00e7\u00f5es visuais para assegurar a integridade das juntas soldadas. Cumprir normas de seguran\u00e7a e utilizar os Equipamentos de Prote\u00e7\u00e3o Individual (EPIs) adequados. Manter a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o e limpeza do ambiente de trabalho, seguindo os padr\u00f5es de 5S. Registrar as atividades realizadas em sistemas de gest\u00e3o de manuten\u00e7\u00e3o (CMMS). Participar de reuni\u00f5es di\u00e1rias e contribuir com sugest\u00f5es de melhorias nos processos de manuten\u00e7\u00e3o.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26742300", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25715650, "name": "Sales Administration Iron Ore Manager ", "location": "Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia", "locations": ["Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia"], "hot": 1, "department": "EXPATRIATION", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1730838879, "t_create": 1729251632, "ats_job_id": 25715650, "display_job_id": 25715650, "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "25715650-en", "job_description": "Assist on the supervision of the invoicing process and issuance of shipping documents, adjustments and other related post-sales processes, ensuring compliance with contractual terms with a focus on customer satisfaction and the efficient performance of the Company. Ensure the adherence of commercial processes to corporate guidelines in relation to the Sarbanes-Oxley law (SARBOX). Deliver strategic recommendations (initiatives) to support the sales administration business plan of iron ore. Support culture change across Commercial area, providing guidance and coaching where necessary. 1. >5 years experience in commodity business (desirable iron ore or manganese or coal) >2 years experience in elaborating and/or amending sales contracts Desirable experience in IT and in training people 2. Bachelor's Degree (business or technical), desirable Post-Graduate or MBA 3. Well versed in MS office, knowledge in SAP, CRM, powerbi, desirable VBA/VBS/SAP scripting and coding in general Language: Fluent English, desirable fluent Portuguese 4. Personal attributes: Leadership traits, ability to communicate and collaborate with multiple teams People oriented, ability to develop people Well organized Good critical thinking", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": "flexible_global", "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/25715650", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25227334, "name": "Occupational Health, Masters Co-op Student", "location": "Sudbury, ON, CAN", "locations": ["Sudbury, ON, CAN"], "hot": 1, "department": "Occupational Health & SCBA(S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1736543774, "t_create": 1727049600, "ats_job_id": "1077152", "display_job_id": "1077152", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1077152-en", "job_description": "Develop skills and abilities related to the provision of engineering in Ontario Ensure compliance to the applicable laws, standards and guidelines Provide technical support to enable safe and efficient operations in an industrial plant, mine or production laboratory. We are looking for students currently enrolled in a Masters of Occupational Hygiene or similar. Demonstrate good written and oral communication skills Strong computer skills. Proficiency in Microsoft Office 365 products; Teams, Word, Excel, Outlook. Ability to work with minimal supervision and work well with others in a team environment Written and oral communication skills Must be obsessed with safety and risk Demonstrate open and transparent dialogue in all aspects of work Maintain high level of professional conduct Demonstrated understanding of key concepts and theory related to Occupational Hygiene", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/25227334", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 16945363, "name": "Instrumentation and Control Technician", "location": "Sudbury, ON, CAN", "locations": ["Sudbury, ON, CAN"], "hot": 1, "department": "Electrical - 11(H)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1729168902, "t_create": 1688515200, "ats_job_id": "1062238", "display_job_id": "1062238", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1062238-en", "job_description": "Join Vale today. Continuously learn throughout your career. Who We Are Welcome to Vale. Our purpose is to improve life and transform the future. Together. We value our workforce and strive to offer continuous training and career development opportunities for our people. Vale Base Metals is one of the world's largest producers of high-quality nickel and an important producer of copper and responsibly sourced cobalt. With headquarters in Toronto, Canada, and operations in Newfoundland & Labrador, Ontario, Manitoba, UK, Indonesia, and Brazil, we are delivering the critical building blocks for a cleaner, greener future. Applying the latest technologies to sustainably mine the critical minerals that power electric vehicles, build renewable energy solutions, and help develop life-saving medical equipment is at the heart of what we do. We invite you to be part of our evolution. Our Team The Instrumentation & Control Technician is a part of the Maintenance Department which is integral for employee safety and Vale's long-term operating strategy. Members of this team work across different locations to ensure all instrumentation systems are functioning accurately. Team members are also involved in the development of long-term and short-term maintenance initiatives, practices and procedures. Our Sudbury Operations have been in existence for more than 100 years. With five mines, a mill, a smelter, a refinery and nearly 4,000 employees it is also one of the largest integrated mining complexes in the world. The Opportunity We are currently seeking Instrument & Control Technicians to join our Maintenance Department in Sudbury, Ontario. This is a permanent position. As an Instrumentation & Control Technician, you will be responsible for maintaining and improving the reliability of production by installing/replacing and calibrating quality instrumentation. Your experience and skills will contribute to scheduled or emergency repairs, installation and inspection of work to be done in the shop or field. Additionally, in this position, you will: Safely install, test, debug and troubleshoot various pieces of equipment, preforming inspections as required. Safely perform Preventative Maintenance work to meet production schedules. Diagnose and repair instrumentation equipment problems and breakdowns to reduce impact on operations. Ability to read and interpret blueprints, electrical diagrams and OEM Manuals. Respond to emergency situations and or call outs as required. Report deviations to established procedures and provide required documentation of work performed. Align with work safety policies and safety regulations. About You Fully Licensed Journeyperson: Trade Certification: You possess an Instrumentation and Control Technician (447A) Red seal accreditation or a College Technician or Technology Diploma in Instrumentation. Experience: A minimum of 3-5 years of trade experience (apprenticeship included). Skills: You have a proven understanding of Ontario Electrical Safety Code, Occupational Health and Safety Act, and all other applicable legislation is required. How can Vale grow your career? The Instrument & Control Technician is a maintenance position that will allow the right candidate to shape our mining operations. Additionally, Vale Canada offers a series of benefits including: Competitive salary Attractive pension and benefits Desirable incentive program Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, flex, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion and career growth Grow your career in a large and global company, and mining industry leader Employee Family Assistance Program Online training and career development opportunities Include to Transform At Vale, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and Vale values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are essential to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across its operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Apply Interested applicants are encouraged to submit their application online at www.valejobs.ca or by clicking Apply below. Please attach a copy of your trade license. We appreciate your interest in being a part of the team though only those applicants who are selected for interviews will be contacted. Apply by: July 15, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/16945363", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26915320, "name": "Maintenance Technician - Surface Fixed Plant Maintenance Millwright", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Concentrat-Fixd Plant Main (H)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1737140975, "t_create": 1737072000, "ats_job_id": "1080353", "display_job_id": "1080353", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1080353-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Maintenance Technician - Millwright to join our Surface Fixed Plant Maintenance Team in Voisey's Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. Relocation to the province of Newfoundland & Labrador will be required for this role. This is a permanent on-site position, working 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off rotational schedule. As a Maintenance Technician - Millwright you will be responsible for repairing, troubleshooting, adjusting, overhauling, servicing, and maintaining equipment within the concentrator facilities. Additionally, in this position you will: Perform preventive checks according to preventive maintenance plans on equipment including mills, crushers, pumps, conveyors, diesel motors, and other fixed plant equipment for proper performance and inspect equipment to detect faults and malfunctions. Complete breakdown, corrective, and minor reports; recommend the extent and nature of work needed. Test, adjust and repair systems for proper performance and to ensure that work meets manufacturer's specifications and the functional needs of the operation. Clean, lubricate, and perform other routine maintenance work on equipment. Conduct final inspections to ensure that work detailed on work order has been completed to meet safety standards and provide feedback for improvements. Improve equipment availability and efficiency through quality maintenance and failure analysis. About You Education: College diploma in Millwright is required. An Interprovincial Red Seal certification in the above trade is required. Experience: Minimum of 5 years Journeyperson experience. Previous mining experience is required. Previous experience or knowledge of the repair and maintenance of fixed equipment. Previous experience in conveyor belt splicing would be considered an asset. Skills: Innovation and ability to use initiative. Flexibility regarding work activities and type of work requirements. The ability to work in a multi-discipline, multi-tasking, team environment. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, personal, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Relocation Assistance Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.) Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Apply by: Monday, February 3rd, 2025 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26915320", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26904637, "name": "Maintenance Technician - Utilities Millwright", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "ConcentratorUGUtility Maint H", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1737066070, "t_create": 1736985600, "ats_job_id": "1080334", "display_job_id": "1080334", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1080334-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Maintenance Technician - Millwright to join our Utilities Maintenance Team in Voisey's Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. Relocation to the province of Newfoundland & Labrador will be required for this role. This is a permanent on-site position, working 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off rotational schedule. As a Maintenance Technician - Millwright you will be responsible for repairing, troubleshooting, adjusting, overhauling, servicing, and maintaining equipment within powerplant, paste plant, booster station, wastewater plant, water treatment plant and other utility facilities. Additionally, in this position you will: Perform preventive checks on equipment (e.g., surface ventilation fans, pumps, conveyors, PLCs, diesel motors) and inspect for faults and malfunctions. Complete breakdown, corrective, and minor reports; recommend the extent and nature of work needed. Test, adjust, and repair systems to ensure proper performance and compliance with manufacturer specifications. Clean, lubricate, and perform routine maintenance on equipment. Conduct final inspections to ensure work meets safety standards and provide feedback for improvements. Improve equipment availability and efficiency through quality maintenance and failure analysis. About You Education: College diploma in Millwright is required. An Interprovincial Red Seal certification in the above trade is required. Experience: Minimum of 5 years Journeyperson experience. Previous mining or heavy industrial experience is required. Previous maintenance experience. Skills: Innovation and ability to use initiative. Flexibility regarding work activities and type of work requirements. The ability to work in a multi-discipline, multi-tasking, team environment. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, personal, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Relocation Assistance Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.) Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Apply by: Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26904637", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26892265, "name": "T\u00c9CNICA ESPECIALIZADA MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O \u2013 GER\u00caNCIA DE PLANEJAMENTO E GEST\u00c3O DE ATIVOS \u2013 USINA - VAGA AFIRMATIVA PARA MULHERES", "location": "MARABA, PA, BRA", "locations": ["MARABA, PA, BRA", "Parauapebas, State of Par\u00e1, Brazil"], "hot": 0, "department": "COORD PCM - PLANEJ BRITAG SLB", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1737051769, "t_create": 1736899200, "ats_job_id": "1080285", "display_job_id": "1080285", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1080285-en", "job_description": "Por que vagas afirmativas para mulheres? A Vale est\u00e1 em uma jornada de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o, na busca de se tornar uma empresa mais diversa, equitativa e inclusiva. Al\u00e9m disso, acreditamos que o avan\u00e7o em equidade de g\u00eanero contribui para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de um futuro melhor para todos. Queremos aumentar a representatividade de todas as mulheres: pretas, brancas, com qualquer identidade de g\u00eanero e orienta\u00e7\u00e3o sexual ou que tenham algum tipo de defici\u00eancia. Entendemos que iniciativas com foco em vagas afirmativas contribuem para avan\u00e7os na cria\u00e7\u00e3o de um ambiente cada vez mais colaborativo, inovador e atrativo para novos talentos. Por isso, valorizamos em diferentes a\u00e7\u00f5es e processos seletivos a participa\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os diferentes perfis de candidatos e candidatas, nas diferentes dimens\u00f5es de grupos que integram a agenda de Diversidade, Equidade e Inclus\u00e3o. O processo seletivo para esta posi\u00e7\u00e3o segue o mesmo formato, etapas e formas de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o de outros programas de recrutamento da Vale. Juntos, a gente transforma o futuro. A Vale tem uma hist\u00f3ria de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o. Na minera\u00e7\u00e3o, atuamos para transformar recursos naturais em prosperidade e desenvolvimento sustent\u00e1vel. Na seguran\u00e7a, buscamos aprender com o passado para evoluir diariamente e se tornar refer\u00eancia de confiabilidade. Nossas pessoas fazem parte de toda esta jornada de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o e evolu\u00e7\u00e3o. Afinal, o nosso compromisso \u00e9 com a vida. A Vale existe para melhorar a vida e transformar o futuro. Juntos. Acreditamos que a minera\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 essencial para o desenvolvimento do mundo e precisamos deixar um legado para o meio ambiente, para as comunidades em que estamos e para todas as vidas que tocamos. Nos orgulhamos de empregar mais de 120 mil pessoas, em 30 pa\u00edses. Somente com esta for\u00e7a, nos tornamos a maior mineradora do mundo em min\u00e9rio de ferro, pelotas e n\u00edquel. Tamb\u00e9m atuamos nas \u00e1reas de log\u00edstica, energia e siderurgia. Quer conhecer nossa oportunidade? N\u00b0 de Vagas: 1 Forma\u00e7\u00e3o: Ensino T\u00e9cnico Completo Localidade: Parauapebas, Par\u00e1, Brasil Hor\u00e1rio de Trabalho: Diurno, 08h \u00e0s 16h Tipo de contrato: Indeterminado Per\u00edodo de inscri\u00e7\u00e3o: de 16/01/2025 a 22/01/2025 Como profissional, voc\u00ea vai... Atualizar os centros de trabalho inserindo os ajustes de capacidade standard e ajustado (intervalos e turnos) conforme o Anexo 8 do PNR-000004; Programar as atividades de manuten\u00e7\u00e3o do ativo que estiverem nos status da programa\u00e7\u00e3o (AGPR e AGRP) e com o status VPTS; Programar e cumprir com o processo de gerenciamento de riscos, conforme item 9 do PNR-000004; Programar somente ordens que tenham os recursos dispon\u00edveis de acordo com a prioriza\u00e7\u00e3o definida sendo obrigat\u00f3rio a programa\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os ativos e controles cr\u00edticos independentes de prioriza\u00e7\u00e3o; Preparar a reuni\u00e3o da programa\u00e7\u00e3o semanal das OMs (S-1, S, S+1), na frequ\u00eancia definida; Programar no sistema informatizado de manuten\u00e7\u00e3o os equipamentos auxiliares e ferramentas especiais, pr\u00f3prios e terceiros, tratando os desvios encontrados, entre outras atividades; Estamos muito felizes por ter algu\u00e9m como voc\u00ea: Curso T\u00e9cnico em Eletromec\u00e2nica, mec\u00e2nica, el\u00e9trica e \u00e1reas afins; Registro em conselho profissional; Experi\u00eancia na \u00e1rea com planejamento, programa\u00e7\u00e3o e inspe\u00e7\u00e3o de manuten\u00e7\u00e3o; Pacote office avan\u00e7ado; SAP avan\u00e7ado; Disponibilidade para trabalhar no turno noturno; Desej\u00e1vel conhecimento de Power BI; Desej\u00e1vel ingl\u00eas intermedi\u00e1rio; Como \u00e9 trabalhar na Vale? Para transformar o futuro temos de cuidar do presente. Apostamos em um ambiente cada vez mais aberto, em que as pessoas possam ser mais aut\u00f4nomas e buscar o seu desenvolvimento pessoal. Criamos para os nossos colaboradores um portf\u00f3lio de treinamentos e capacita\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00e9cnicas, de gest\u00e3o e de lideran\u00e7a ou transversais. Acreditamos em quem faz a nossa empresa. Um pouco do que a Vale oferece para voc\u00ea Previd\u00eancia Privada PLR - Programa de Participa\u00e7\u00e3o nos Lucros e Resultados Reembolso Creche ou Aux\u00edlio Bab\u00e1 para empregadas Assist\u00eancia M\u00e9dica e Hospitalar, odontol\u00f3gica, farmacol\u00f3gica e vacinas para preven\u00e7\u00e3o de doen\u00e7as Infectocontagiosas PASA - Planos de sa\u00fade para familiares de empregados ou para o pr\u00f3prio empregado, em caso de aposentadoria ou desligamento Seguro de Vida em Grupo Aux\u00edlio funeral Apoiar - Programa de Assist\u00eancia ao Empregado e seus dependentes. Vale alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o Vale refei\u00e7\u00e3o ou Refei\u00e7\u00f5es no trabalho concedidas em restaurantes industriais Vale alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o extra para o Natal Cart\u00e3o presente no final do ano para Dependentes, filhos, enteados e menores sob guarda com at\u00e9 10 anos Transporte fretado ou Vale transporte. Incentivo \u00e0 atividade f\u00edsica - Wellhub (Gympass) Programa Bem-Estar Passagens no trem de passageiros na Estrada de Ferro Vit\u00f3ria a Minas (EFVM) e/ou na Estrada de Ferro Caraj\u00e1s (EFC). Clube de Vantagens A Vale n\u00e3o realiza nenhum tipo de cobran\u00e7a para participa\u00e7\u00e3o em nenhuma etapa dos seus processos seletivos. Todas as candidaturas devem ser feitas exclusivamente pelo nosso site ou por meio de vagas postadas no perfil da Vale no LinkedIn. EXISTIMOS PARA MELHORAR A VIDA E TRANSFORMAR O FUTURO. JUNTOS. ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26892265", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26867189, "name": "Chemical/Metallurgical Engineering Co-op Student", "location": "Toronto, ON, CAN", "locations": ["Toronto, ON, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Pyrometallurgy", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1737136325, "t_create": 1736812800, "ats_job_id": "1080238", "display_job_id": "1080238", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1080238-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Chemical/Metallurgical Engineering Co-op Student (12-16 Months) to join our Technology & Innovation team in Mississauga. This is an onsite position. As a Chemical / Metallurgical Engineering Co-op Student, you will have the opportunity for your further your development, gaining practical knowledge and experience working closely within the Pyrometallurgy group on a range of processes related to nickel processing. You will also gain a deeper understanding of our company and our sustainable approach to mining via exposure to other Vale operations in Canada and abroad. Additionally, in this position you will: Assist in the design, implementation, and safe execution of laboratory test work programs. Prepare samples for testing. Some heavy lifting (15 kg) may be required. Perform test work results analysis, develop mass and energy balances, and prepare reports and presentations Plan and implement work in a manner that promotes safe working environment in collaboration with other members of the team, including developing and updating SOPs as required. Assist with various inspections and 5S activities within the lab and effectively communicate areas requiring focus. About You Education: Currently enrolled as a Chemical or Metallurgical Engineering student in a Co-op Program. Skills: Solid verbal, written and analytical communication skills. Excellent working knowledge of Microsoft Office products. Proven time management and organization skills. Ability to work both independently and as part of a team. Ability to manage time effectively and meet deadlines, strong analytical and problem-solving skills, and a proven safety record are essential. What We Offer You Competitive compensation Flexible work arrangements Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Online training and career development opportunities Opportunities to build your network and lots of fun! All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses. Why Mississauga Vale's Mississauga office, located in one of Canada's fastest growing and most diverse cities, is the epicenter of the company's technology development team. This office focuses on advancing Vale's competitive edge and refining growth strategies to ensure long-term sustainability. The innovative and dynamic environment of Mississauga perfectly complements Vale's commitment to technological excellence and sustainable development. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Pay Grade: UT2 Apply by: Tuesday, 28th January, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26867189", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26849432, "name": "Master Engineer - Process", "location": "Lumut, Perak, Malaysia", "locations": ["Lumut, Perak, Malaysia"], "hot": 0, "department": "EXPATRIATION", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1737037765, "t_create": 1736761386, "ats_job_id": 26849432, "display_job_id": 26849432, "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "26849432-en", "job_description": "Master Engineer - Process Location: Lumut, Perak - Malaysia Registration Period: Until 24 January 2025 As a Master Engineer - Process your main responsibilities will be: \u2022Assure the availability of equipment\u2019s and be compliance to production requirements through maintenance activities. \u2022 Analyze maintenance data, develop hindsight and conclusion, and propose improvement on maintenance strategies/plan \u2022 Drive the adherence of maintenance processes inclusive of PCM process to PNR-000008 Guidelines for the VPS Element 8 \u2013 Maintenance \u2022 Perform critical analysis of maintenance process together with PCM controller to drive improvement for VMM maintenance process and KPI maturity \u2022 Assist maintenance planning manager and supervisors to manage and implement Vale Production System (VPS) within Maintenance Planning \u2022 To be compliance to opportunity scopes planned by maintenance and planning department \u2022 To participate in planned maintenance shutdowns upon requirement by maintenance planning/execution \u2022 Coach process inspectors and maintenance execution to the standard established and in compliance with technical requirements \u2022 To be compliance on requirement off (HSE) kaizen, Safe Planning, Safe Work Permit (SWP), RAC, VPS, Roni, safety inspection, behavior dialog, and quality control circle (QCC) participation. \u2022 Assure the quality of the contracted services through supervision. \u2022 Assure the maintenance of the know-how through coordination of the elaboration and update of the operational procedures, instructions and standards \u2022 Contribute in detection, report and elimination of abnormalities in the operational process through control of the process variables \u2022 Assure the health and safety procedures for own employees and third parties through preventive actions and corrections \u2022 Orientate, develop and teach technically the team to identify potential successors \u2022 Assure the quality of contracted services through monitoring of the fulfillment of the contractual works \u2022 Provide support and actively involve in the development of annual production budget and cost based on technical data and analysis \u2022 Ensure the fulfillment of the safety, health, quality and environmental standards and policies \u2022 Be in one line with the ethical code of the company, passing these values to the team \u2022 Prepare and/or review PRO and PGS related to maintenance planning process \u2022 Active involvement in the development of Safety Critical Activity Requirements (CAR) within Vale Malaysia \u2022 Key focal for maintenance planning for any SAP related initiatives and be normative to the SAP process for the maintenance \u2022 Assist maintenance planning manager in leading and delivering key initiatives for Maintenance Planning Department \u2022 Ensure Vale Malaysia Maintenance processes are updated with the latest PNR and PGS issued out by Global Vale What do we expect from this position? \u2022 Experience: 6 \u2013 8 years for Degree holders / 10-12years for Diploma in Engineering \u2022 Specific knowledge: Maintenance & inspection knowledge on bulk material handling equipment\u2019s like belt conveyors, stackers \u2013 reclaimers, ship unloaders/ship loaders; utility equipment\u2019s like piping, pumps & etc. \u2022 Strong knowledge of overall PCM processes and Vale Production System (VPS) \u2022 Should be able to coach the fresh employees that have been recruited or promoted from the apprentice batches or similar to its level. \u2022 Possess strong techniques and technical knowledge for maintenance, reliability and availability \u2022 Management of routines and as per guidelines \u2022 People management \u2022 Strong Knowledge on Power BI and Data management", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26849432", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26855471, "name": "ANALISTA DE TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMA\u00c7\u00c3O S\u00caNIOR \u2013 CORPORATIVO- VAGA PREFERENCIAL PARA MULHERES", "location": "SAO LUIS, MA, BRA", "locations": ["SAO LUIS, MA, BRA"], "hot": 0, "department": "Gerencia Tecnologia Ferrous", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1737126345, "t_create": 1736726400, "ats_job_id": "1080216", "display_job_id": "1080216", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1080216-en", "job_description": "Al\u00e9m disso, acreditamos que o avan\u00e7o em equidade de g\u00eanero contribui para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de um futuro melhor para todos. Queremos aumentar a representatividade de todas as mulheres: pretas, brancas, com qualquer identidade de g\u00eanero e orienta\u00e7\u00e3o sexual ou que tenham algum tipo de defici\u00eancia. Entendemos que iniciativas com foco em vagas preferenciais contribuem para avan\u00e7os na cria\u00e7\u00e3o de um ambiente cada vez mais colaborativo, inovador e atrativo para novos talentos. Por isso, valorizamos em diferentes a\u00e7\u00f5es e processos seletivos a participa\u00e7\u00e3o de todos os diferentes perfis de candidatos e candidatas, nas diferentes dimens\u00f5es de grupos que integram a agenda de Diversidade, Equidade e Inclus\u00e3o. Juntos, a gente transforma o futuro. Na minera\u00e7\u00e3o, atuamos para transformar recursos naturais em prosperidade e desenvolvimento sustent\u00e1vel. Na seguran\u00e7a, buscamos aprender com o passado para evoluir diariamente e se tornar refer\u00eancia de confiabilidade. Nossas pessoas fazem parte de toda esta jornada de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o e evolu\u00e7\u00e3o. Afinal, o nosso compromisso \u00e9 com a vida. Juntos. Acreditamos que a minera\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 essencial para o desenvolvimento do mundo e precisamos deixar um legado para o meio ambiente, para as comunidades em que estamos e para todas as vidas que tocamos. Nos orgulhamos de empregar mais de 120 mil pessoas, em 30 pa\u00edses. Somente com esta for\u00e7a, nos tornamos a maior mineradora do mundo em min\u00e9rio de ferro, pelotas e n\u00edquel. Tamb\u00e9m atuamos nas \u00e1reas de log\u00edstica, energia e siderurgia. Quer conhecer nossa oportunidade? N\u00b0 de Vagas: 01 Forma\u00e7\u00e3o: Superior completo em An\u00e1lise de Sistemas, Ci\u00eancias da Computa\u00e7\u00e3o, Engenharia de Sistemas-Computa, Sistemas de Informa\u00e7\u00e3o, Engenharia Computa\u00e7\u00e3o e/ou afins; Localidade: S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds, Maranh\u00e3o, Brasil Hor\u00e1rio de Trabalho: Comercial Tipo de contrato: Indeterminado Per\u00edodo de inscri\u00e7\u00e3o: de 20/01/2025 a 24/01/2025 Como profissional, voc\u00ea vai... Integra\u00e7\u00e3o das iniciativas do dom\u00ednio a n\u00edvel de Unidade de Neg\u00f3cio: Participa\u00e7\u00e3o nos pr\u00e9-comit\u00eas/f\u00f3runs com objetivo de integrar as iniciativas de dom\u00ednios que comp\u00f5e as Unidades de Neg\u00f3cio; Integra\u00e7\u00e3o das iniciativas do dom\u00ednio a n\u00edvel de Fluxo de Valor: Participa\u00e7\u00e3o nos pr\u00e9-comit\u00eas/f\u00f3runs com objetivo de integrar as iniciativas de dom\u00ednios que comp\u00f5e o Fluxo de Valor; F\u00f3runs e Engajamento: Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o e condu\u00e7\u00e3o dos f\u00f3runs a fim de catalisar a colabora\u00e7\u00e3o entre os diferentes stakeholders dentro do dom\u00ednio, garantindo que as iniciativas avancem de forma integrada; Alinhamento com Integradores de Fluxos de Valor: Trabalhar com os integradores de fluxo de valor atrav\u00e9s dos f\u00f3runs de vis\u00e3o integrada a fim de garantir que a integra\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e1 coesa com a vis\u00e3o hol\u00edstica dos fluxos; Monitoramento e acompanhamento de KPIs do dom\u00ednio/Fluxo de Valor: Estabelecer e acompanhar indicadores-chave dos dom\u00ednios/Unidade de Neg\u00f3cio, a fim de compreender as dores do demandante e assim apresentar postura propositiva; Gest\u00e3o de interdepend\u00eancias e captura de sinergias: Identificar as interdepend\u00eancias entre as iniciativas, a fim de captar poss\u00edveis sinergias que otimizem sua prioriza\u00e7\u00e3o, de forma a otimizar recursos e reduzir conflitos. Estamos muito felizes por ter algu\u00e9m como voc\u00ea: Superior completo em An\u00e1lise de Sistemas, Ci\u00eancias da Computa\u00e7\u00e3o, Engenharia de Sistemas-Computa, Sistemas de Informa\u00e7\u00e3o, Engenharia Computa\u00e7\u00e3o e/ou afins; Conhecimento de manipula\u00e7\u00e3o de base de dados; Excel avan\u00e7ado; Desej\u00e1vel Ingl\u00eas intermedi\u00e1rio; Desej\u00e1vel experi\u00eancia em an\u00e1lise de dados e conhecimento de processos; Desej\u00e1vel conhecimento em elabora\u00e7\u00e3o de Power BI. Para transformar o futuro temos de cuidar do presente. Apostamos em um ambiente cada vez mais aberto, em que as pessoas possam ser mais aut\u00f4nomas e buscar o seu desenvolvimento pessoal. Criamos para os nossos colaboradores um portf\u00f3lio de treinamentos e capacita\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00e9cnicas, de gest\u00e3o e de lideran\u00e7a ou transversais. Acreditamos em quem faz a nossa empresa. Previd\u00eancia Privada PLR - Programa de Participa\u00e7\u00e3o nos Lucros e Resultados Reembolso Creche ou Aux\u00edlio Bab\u00e1 para empregadas Assist\u00eancia M\u00e9dica e Hospitalar, odontol\u00f3gica, farmacol\u00f3gica e vacinas para preven\u00e7\u00e3o de doen\u00e7as Infectocontagiosas PASA - Planos de sa\u00fade para familiares de empregados ou para o pr\u00f3prio empregado, em caso de aposentadoria ou desligamento Seguro de Vida em Grupo Aux\u00edlio funeral Apoiar - Programa de Assist\u00eancia ao Empregado e seus dependentes. Cart\u00e3o presente no final do ano para Dependentes, filhos, enteados e menores sob guarda com at\u00e9 10 anos Incentivo \u00e0 atividade f\u00edsica - Wellhub Programa Bem-Estar Passagens no trem de passageiros na Estrada de Ferro Vit\u00f3ria a Minas (EFVM) e/ou na Estrada de Ferro Caraj\u00e1s (EFC). Clube de Vantagens", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26855471", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 138, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 1, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 3.7, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "11642698"}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": null, "facetDisplaySort": {"skills": "count_desc", "departments": "count_desc", "seniority": "count_desc", "work_location_option": "count_desc", "locations": "count_desc"}, "facets": {"skills": {"SAP": 29, "MINERA\u00c7\u00c3O": 24, "Microsoft Excel": 24, "Log\u00edstica": 18, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O": 18, "Microsoft Power BI": 18, "Seguran\u00e7a": 18, "Lideran\u00e7a": 16, "CONSTRU\u00c7\u00c3O": 15, "Treinamento": 14, "Confiabilidade": 13, "Maintenance": 13, "Siderurgia": 13, "Mining": 11, "Ensino": 10, "Mec\u00e2nica": 10, "Transportation": 9, "AutoCAD": 8, "CNH D": 8, "Operations": 8, "Programa\u00e7\u00e3o": 8, "Engenharia": 7, "F\u00cdSICA": 7, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O PREVENTIVA": 7, "Sistema": 7, "Aberto": 6, "Atividade": 6, "CNH B": 6, "Ensino M\u00e9dio Completo": 6, "Microsoft Office": 6, "Organiza\u00e7\u00e3o": 6, "Welding": 6, "Avalia\u00e7\u00e3o": 5, "Communication": 5, "Ensino M\u00e9dio": 5, "Geology": 5, "Opera\u00e7\u00f5es": 5, "PCM": 5, "Planejamento": 5, "Seguran\u00e7a Do Trabalho": 5, "Seguro": 5, "Training": 5, "An\u00e1lise": 4, "Excel Avan\u00e7ado": 4, "First Aid": 4, "Gest\u00e3o De Contratos": 4, "Hidr\u00e1ulica": 4, "INFORM\u00c1TICA": 4, "INGL\u00caS Intermedi\u00e1rio": 4, "Limpeza": 4, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O Corretiva": 4, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O El\u00e9trica": 4, "Microsoft PowerPoint": 4, "Microsoft Project": 4, "Opera\u00e7\u00e3o De Escavadeira": 4, "Opera\u00e7\u00e3o Trator De Esteira": 4, "Recrutamento": 4, "Transforma\u00e7\u00e3o": 4, "Colaborativo": 3, "El\u00e9trica": 3, "Equipamentos De Mina": 3, "Instrumenta\u00e7\u00e3o": 3, "Mapeamento": 3, "Negocia\u00e7\u00e3o": 3, "Otimiza\u00e7\u00e3o": 3, "Pacote Office": 3, "PcD": 3, "Planejamento ESTRAT\u00c9GICO": 3, "Profissionalizante Em Mec\u00e2nica": 3, "Reestrutura\u00e7\u00e3o": 3, "Repairs": 3, "SSMA": 3, "Soldagem": 3, "Troubleshooting": 3, "T\u00c9CNICO Em Eletromec\u00e2nica": 3, "Bombas": 3, "Caminh\u00e3o Fora De Estrada": 3, "Escavadeira": 3, "Indicadores": 3, "Inspe\u00e7\u00e3o": 3, "Lubrifica\u00e7\u00e3o": 3, "Mina Aut\u00f4noma": 3, "Motor Diesel": 3, "Opera\u00e7\u00e3o De Mina": 3, "Opera\u00e7\u00e3o De Moto Niveladora": 3, "Opera\u00e7\u00e3o Equipamentos De Mina Aut\u00f4nomos": 3, "Opera\u00e7\u00e3o Equipamentos Mina Aut\u00f4nomo": 3, "Opera\u00e7\u00e3o Escavadeira Grande Porte": 3, "Ordem De MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O": 3, "Perfuratriz": 3, "Profissionalizante Em Eletromec\u00e2nica": 3, "Retificadores": 3, "Solda": 3, "AUTOMA\u00c7\u00c3O": 2, "Acompanhamento": 2, "An\u00e1lise De Dados": 2, "An\u00e1lise Financeira": 2, "ArcGIS": 2}, "departments": {"Gerencia Tecnologia Ferrous": 4, "EXPATRIATION": 3, "SUP OPER MINA CP T-A": 3, "Sup Manuten\u00e7\u00e3o Preventiva R&I": 3, "COORD PCM - PLANEJ BRITAG SLB": 2, "COORD PERF DESM": 2, "Manut. AMV PBS": 2, "SUP INSPE\u00c7\u00c3O EQUIP MINA PICO": 2, "SUP MAN EQUIP PESADOS MINER 1": 2, "SUP MANUT CORRETIVA LET A": 2, "SUP MANUT USINA VIGA": 2, "SUP OPER MINA CP T-B": 2, "SUP. INSP. - VULCA/TAM/CMT/TFA": 2, "Sup Operac\u00e3o Trem MBA 1": 2, "AP GER TI ARQUIT INFORMACAO": 1, "AP SUP HIDRAULICA VGR": 1, "AP TI INOVACAO FERROVIA": 1, "Ap. Manut Mec Maq Patio": 1, "Ap. Op Usina Concentracao - C": 1, "CCNR-IPC Util-Util Gen(H)": 1, "COORD CENTROMONITGEOTEC SUDEST": 1, "COORD DE PCM USINA": 1, "COORD GEOTECNIA E TOPOGR CFJ": 1, "COORD MANUT LOG\u00cdSTICA E SEG TR": 1, "COORD OBRAS SERV OP SS": 1, "COORD OPER APREND SUDESTE ES": 1, "COORD PCM EL\u00c9TRICA PORTO TU": 1, "COORD PCM EMBARQUE PORTO TU": 1, "COORD PCM MANUT MINA CAPANEMA": 1, "COORD PROG CONTROLE MANUT MINE": 1, "COORD REJEIT FILTR INFR BARRAG": 1, "COORD ROTINA OP SERV AMB": 1, "COORD SAUDE OCUPACIONAL": 1, "COORD SEG OCUPACIONAL": 1, "COORD SOL NEGOCIO MINERACAO": 1, "CapEx e Gest\u00e3o Integrada": 1, "Coleman Mobile Mtce(H)": 1, "Comm Atl Sul": 1, "Concentrat-Fixd Plant Main (H)": 1, "ConcentratorUGUtility Maint H": 1, "Coord Eng Elet Mina & Usina": 1, "Coord Eng El\u00e9trica BRAG": 1, "Coord Manut de Mina CPX/MAZ": 1, "Coord Manuten\u00e7\u00e3o de Mina": 1, "Coord. Aval/Dev projetos": 1, "Coord. CCVM": 1, "Coord. Controle e Qualidade": 1, "Coord. Gest. Contratos BH": 1, "Coord. Manuten\u00e7\u00e3o": 1, "Coord. Monitoramento Ativos": 1, "Coordena\u00e7\u00e3o Risco": 1, "Coordena\u00e7\u00e3o de Meio Ambiente": 1, "Coordena\u00e7\u00e3o de Rotina de Manut": 1, "Desenvolvimento Comportamental": 1, "ENG MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O TELECOM": 1, "EQUIPE COORD CONT PROC PELOT": 1, "Electrical - 11(H)": 1, "El\u00e9trica Mina TAM_HZT_ABO": 1, "GER COMPRAS REGIONAIS": 1, "GER FEL1 PROJ GEOTECNICOS": 1, "GER PROGR COI CORREDOR NORTE": 1, "GER REL FINAN E CONTROLES INTE": 1, "Ger Desenv E Atuaria": 1, "Ger Plan Estrat Min\u00e9rio de Fe": 1, "Ger Plan Longo Prazo Norte": 1, "Gerente BP Suporte aos Neg\u00f3cio": 1, "Ger\u00eancia Mega Hubs Americas": 1, "Mgr, Corp Accounting (S)": 1, "Mill Maintenance Mech (H)": 1, "Mill Tech Support (S)": 1, "Occupational Health & SCBA(S)": 1, "Opera\u00e7\u00e3o e manuten\u00e7\u00e3o CTSS": 1, "PCR-Mtce Dept-Ni Proc(H)": 1, "Perf C Perfuratriz CAT Md 6420": 1, "Power-Mtce Dept-General(H)": 1, "Pyrometallurgy": 1, "RH Areas Corporativas RJ": 1, "SECURITY": 1, "SUP AREA FRIA, LUB, UTIL VGR": 1, "SUP INFRA MINA PICO - A": 1, "SUP INFRA MINA PICO - C": 1, "SUP MANUT CORRETIVA EL\u00c9TRICA D": 1, "SUP MANUT FROTA FAB NOITE": 1, "SUP MANUT LOCO RPTRUCK B": 1, "SUP MANUT LUB PNEU PICO": 1, "SUP MANUT PREV CARGA PICO": 1, "SUP MANUT PREV INFRA PERF": 1, "SUP MANUTENCAO CORRETIVA B": 1, "SUP OP DE MINA C ARTICULADO": 1, "SUP OPER TERMINAL PBS - A": 1, "SUP PLANEJ CONTR OPERACIONAL": 1, "SUP. PCM PCP GESTAO COMPONENTE": 1, "SUP. PREV. TURNO A": 1, "Shops Support (H)": 1, "Smeltr-Mtc-DFR/Mch/CuCas/Ct(H)": 1, "Sol do Cerrado Implanta\u00e7\u00e3o": 1, "Stobie Open Pit Project (H)": 1, "Sup EFC VP Super TieGangII ACD": 1, "Sup Man Equip CFJ": 1, "Sup Mecanizada Colatina": 1}, "seniority": {"Mid/Senior": 71, "Entry": 61, "Intern": 3}, "work_location_option": {"onsite": 123, "hybrid": 14, "remote": 1}, "locations": {"Remote": 999999, "Nova Lima, MG, Brazil": 19, "Parauapebas, PA, Brazil": 17, "Itabirito, MG, Brazil": 15, "Marab\u00e1, PA, Brazil": 14, "S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds, MA, Brazil": 11, "Cana\u00e3 dos Caraj\u00e1s, PA, Brazil": 9, "Greater Sudbury, ON, Canada": 9, "Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil": 8, "Vitoria, ES, Brazil": 7, "Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil": 6, "Congonhas, MG, Brazil": 5, "Mariana, MG, Brazil": 5, "S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Rio Abaixo, MG, Brazil": 4, "Thompson, MB, Canada": 3, "MG, Brazil": 3, "Amarantina, MG, Brazil": 2, "Brumadinho, MG, Brazil": 2, "Itabira, MG, Brazil": 2, "Labrador City, NL, Canada": 2, 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