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principal provedor de dados e informa\u00e7\u00f5es do Pa\u00eds), qual cor/ra\u00e7a voc\u00ea se declara?\":\n \"\",\n \"Qual a sua orienta\u00e7\u00e3o afetivo-sexual?\":\n \"'Indica como nos sentimos em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 atra\u00e7\u00e3o afetiva e/ou sexual nos relacionamentos'\",\n \"Voc\u00ea se considera uma Pessoa com Defici\u00eancia?\":\n \"'Pessoas com defici\u00eancia s\u00e3o aquelas que t\u00eam impedimentos de longo prazo de natureza f\u00edsica, mental, intelectual ou sensorial, os quais podem obstruir sua participa\u00e7\u00e3o plena e efetiva na sociedade em igualdades de condi\u00e7\u00f5es com as demais pessoas.'\",\n };\n \n radio_text_to_tooltip_text = {\n \"Homem cisg\u00eanero\":\n \"'Pessoa nasceu com o \u00f3rg\u00e3o sexual masculino e se identifica com o g\u00eanero masculino'\",\n \"Mulher cisg\u00eanero\":\n \"'Pessoa nasceu com o \u00f3rg\u00e3o sexual feminino e se identifica com o g\u00eanero feminino'\",\n \"Homem trans\": \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com o g\u00eanero atribu\u00eddo ao nascimento'\",\n \"Mulher trans\": \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com o g\u00eanero atribu\u00eddo ao nascimento'\",\n \"N\u00e3o Bin\u00e1rio / Fluida\":\n \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com nenhum g\u00eanero ou se identifica com ambos os g\u00eaneros'\",\n Branca: \"'Pessoas de apar\u00eancia e pele branca'\",\n Preta: \"'Pessoas que t\u00eam pele escura'\",\n Amarela:\n \"'Pessoas com descend\u00eancia asi\u00e1tica \u2013 japonesas, chinesas, coreanas, etc'\",\n Parda:\n \"'Pessoas de pele mais clara porque s\u00e3o mesti\u00e7as \u2013 filhas de pessoas brancas e pretas, de ind\u00edgenas e brancas ou de ind\u00edgenas e pretas'\",\n Ind\u00edgena: \"'Pessoas descendentes de \u00edndios(as)'\",\n Heterossexual:\n \"'Pessoa que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com pessoa do g\u00eanero oposto.'\",\n Gay: \"'Homem que se sente atra\u00eddo e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com outro homem.'\",\n L\u00e9sbica:\n \"'Mulher que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com outra mulher.'\",\n Bissexual:\n \"'Pessoa que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com pessoas de todos os g\u00eaneros.'\",\n };\n\n for (question in questions) {\n current_question = $(`.apply-item-title:contains(${question})`)[0];\n radio_div =\n current_question.parentElement.parentElement.nextElementSibling;\n question_tooltip = questions[question];\n question_icon = `<i class='far fa-info-circle hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='' data-original-title=${question_tooltip} style='font-size: 20px;color: #288061;position: relative;top: 3px;padding:5px;' trigger='click'></i>`;\n if (question_tooltip != \"\") {\n $(current_question).append(`<span>${question_icon}</span>`);\n }\n var containers = $(radio_div).find(\".radioContainer\");\n radios = containers.find(\".radio-label\");\n radios.each(function () {\n radio_text = $(this).text();\n parent_container = $(this).parent(\".radioContainer\");\n tooltip_text = radio_text_to_tooltip_text[radio_text];\n icon = `<i class='far custom_vale_icon fa-info-circle pull-right hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='' data-original-title=${tooltip_text} style='font-size: 20px;color: #288061;position: relative;top: 10px;padding:5px;' trigger='click'></i>`;\n if (tooltip_text != undefined) {\n parent_container.append(`<span class='tablecell'>${icon}</span>`);\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\n\n// This function adds icons with hoverable tooltips to the questions on brazillian external positions\nfunction question_modifications() {\n console.log(\"Calling question_modifications\");\n\n try {\n try_adding_tooltip_icons()\n\n } catch (error) {\n\n if (is_canada_external()){\n // no modifications needed, quit\n return\n }\n if (is_canada_internal()){\n // remove numbers from questions\n $(\"span:contains('5- Please state your city') > span > span\").first().text(\"Please state your city\")\n $(\"span:contains('6- Please state your province') > span > span\").first().text(\"Please state your province\")\n return\n }\n if (is_brazil_internal()){\n // no modification needed, quit\n return\n }\n if (is_brazil_external()){\n // If we get here, then the try block was succesful and we can quit this loop\n return\n }\n\n setTimeout(question_modifications, 300);\n\n \n // // if we get here, then the questions haven't loaded yet. Re-call th\n // // above script throws a \"parentElement not found\" error if the jquery selectors fail. Jquery selector likely failing because question does not exist on DOM when script is called.\n // if ($(\".custom_vale_icon\").length == 0) {\n // console.log(\"calling tooltips recursively\");\n // }\n }\n}\n\nsetTimeout(question_modifications, 300);\n</script>", "SUCCESS_FORM_PAGE_LOAD": "", "JOIN_TALENT_NETWORK_PAGE_LOAD": ""}, "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/favicon.ico"}, "homePageHeroBanner": {"useImage": 0, "opacity": 1, "hideInMobileView": false, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/1686341094::vale_banner_june8.jpg", "title": "We use artificial intelligence to recommend job openings that could be a strong match for your profile. Some recommendations may not exactly match your resume, please be understanding as this algorithm is still learning."}, "showJobId": 1, "links": {"videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdy4PgzmpaM"]}, "companyName": "Vale", "navBar": {"opacity": 0.9, "link": "http://www.vale.com/canada/EN/Pages/default.aspx", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/Vale_w.png", "background": "#007E7A", "title": "Vale"}, "applySuccessMessage": "Application Confirmed!", "privacy": {"text": "Confirm that you agree with the Data Privacy Policy.<br><br>Policy - I acknowledge that I am applying for employment with Vale (the 'Company') and hereby agree to the Company's collection, processing and use of my personal information for recruitment purposes. I further understand that applicants who are offered employment will be required to complete a pre-employment check and medical/drug test if applicable to the position. I understand that the responses submitted in this application constitute a commitment and any false or inaccurate information may result in the cancellation of the application. The information you provide will be kept confidential and will only be used in a manner consistent with the law.", "title": "Data Privacy Policy", "button": "Confirm"}, "postApplyText": "You will receive an application confirmation e-mail shortly. 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Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world\u2019s energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change \u2013 our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Maintenance Assistant 1 \u2013 Fuel Lube to join our Mobile Maintenance Team in Voisey\u2019s Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. Relocation to the province of Newfoundland & Labrador will be required for this role This is a permanent on-site position , working a 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off schedule. As a Maintenance Assistant 1 \u2013 Fuel Lube, you will be responsible for the field servicing of mobile equipment and performing PMs in the shop. Your experience and skills will also perform minor repairs on equipment and assist other maintenance employees as required. Additionally, in this position you will: Conduct servicing of mobile equipment. Perform preventative maintenance in the shop. Perform minor repairs on equipment. Perform various labour-related shop duties as required. Assist other maintenance employees as required. Assist Mine Fuel and Lube if required.\u00a0 About You Education: Completed a minimum of Grade 10 or equivalent. Valid Provincial Class 3 driver licence with air brake endorsement. Experience: 1 year experience working in a mobile equipment maintenance department is required. Previous experience operating a Fuel Lube Truck is required. Previous mining experience and off road tire maintenance and repair would be considered an asset. Skills: Concern for Safety, Health, and Environment. Strong ability to work cooperatively within a team environment. Demonstrate initiative and ability to work independently. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life\u2019s reasons (vacation, personal, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Relocation Assistance Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.) Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21 st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome \u2013 they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey\u2019s Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Apply by: Sunday, December 1 st , 2024 #ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26048663", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26195415, "name": "Maintenance Technician - Underground Scaffolder", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Concentrator FP UG Mech H", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1732228279, "t_create": 1732147200, "ats_job_id": "1078789", "display_job_id": "1078789", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078789-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Maintenance Technician - Underground Scaffolder to join our Underground Fixed Plant Maintenance Team in Voisey's Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. Relocation to the province of Newfoundland & Labrador will be required for this role. This is a permanent on-site position, working a 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off rotation. As a Maintenance Technician - Underground Scaffolder you will be responsible to erect, inspect, and certify all required scaffolds. Your experience and skills will also help the team with repairing, troubleshooting, adjusting, overhauling, servicing, and maintaining equipment within the underground mine facilities. Additionally, in this position you will: Conduct final inspections to ensure that work detailed on work order has been completed to meet safety standards. Assist with tasks within the maintenance group as required and performing tasks to support maintenance activities. Provide feedback improvement suggestions to the supervisor and planner and implement those that are within your ability. Improve equipment availability and efficiency through quality maintenance and failure analysis. About You Education: College diploma and an Interprovincial Red Seal certification in a relevant trade is required. Preference will be given to a Mechanical or Electrical trade, however, others will be considered. Certification as an Industrial Scaffolder. Experience: Minimum of 5 years of scaffolding experience in a mining or heavy industrial environment. Underground mining experience would be an asset. Skills: Ability to work within an underground mine setting, which could include conditions such as: various temperature fluctuation, wet, damp, cramped, and dark work areas. Knowledge of the repair and maintenance of fixed plant equipment. Innovation and ability to use initiative. Flexibility regarding work activities and type of work requirements. The ability to work in a multi-discipline, multi-tasking, team environment. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, personal, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Relocation Assistance Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.) Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Apply by: Sunday, December 8th, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26195415", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26177574, "name": "Mechanical Maintenance Planner", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Concentrat-Fixd Plant Main (S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1732048310, "t_create": 1731974400, "ats_job_id": "1078741", "display_job_id": "1078741", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078741-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Mechanical Maintenance Planner to join our Integrated Planning Team in Voisey's Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. Relocation to the province of Newfoundland & Labrador will be required for this role This is a permanent on-site position, working 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off schedule. As a Mechanical Maintenance Planner, you will support our Surface Fixed Plant Maintenance and Utilities Maintenance departments at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. You will be responsible for maintaining maintenance plans for all fixed plant equipment. Your experience and skills will aid the maintenance team to stay focused and on track with the scheduled short- and long-term plans. Additionally, in this position you will: Manage the work order screening process, review work requests along with other members to determine legitimacy and prioritization of work. Create accurate plans for the scheduling and workforce forecasting for weekly, monthly and long-term maintenance schedules. Pay attention to Safety and Risk in all aspects of maintenance work scopes and daily routines. Identify and assist in the procurement of all parts and materials required for equipment repairs. Coordinate with warehousing and purchasing to manage parts requirements and delivery schedules. Participate in creating and continuous improvement of PMs, Task Lists and BOMs. Coordinate contractor support and assist Maintenance Supervisors with daily tasks. About You Education: Post-secondary education is required. Interprovincial Red Seal in Millwright, Pipefitting or another Mechanical discipline is preferred. Experience: 5 years of experience in a similar role related to maintenance planning and scheduling is preferred. Skills: Knowledge in the operation of mining repair facilities with a focus on mechanical systems. Understanding of computerized work management and asset management concepts and systems. Strong computer usage skills in SAP, BMS, Microsoft Products (Excel, Outlook, Word), Business Objects, Manufacturer Technical Online Support Services, etc. Ability to schedule, prioritize, and manage tasks with minimal supervision. Knowledge of codes and the ability to read prints and schematics. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, personal, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Relocation Assistance Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.) Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Pay Grade: H01 Apply by: Wednesday, December 4th, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26177574", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25706757, "name": "Supervisor, Production", "location": "Sudbury, ON, CAN", "locations": ["Sudbury, ON, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Clara Mill-Sup-Plant Admin(S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1731634417, "t_create": 1729123200, "ats_job_id": "1077846", "display_job_id": "1077846", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1077846-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Supervisor, Production to join our Clarabelle Mill team in Sudbury, Ontario. This is a permanent position, working on a rotational schedule (5/4 schedule days and nights, 12-hour shifts). As a Supervisor, Production you will be accountable for managing the social, commercial, and technical processes of a front-line team within established limits, to meet the maintenance and/or production goals and objectives of the work area in safety, reliability, efficiency, and quality. You will be accountable for getting a process under control and maintaining the process within established limits. Also, identify special cause variances and take action to address issues or take advantage of opportunities as they arise. Ensuring that direct reports and areas of accountability meet all requirements with regard to legislated regulations, company policies and practices, and collective agreements. Although previous experience in mining or an industrial setting is considered an asset, we also appreciate that diversity of thought comes from our differences - and that's what makes us great! Additionally, in this position you will: Manage systems within the area of accountability to achieve the following outputs. Ensure Zero Harm to employees, the business, the environment, and the community. Achieve/exceed production quality and quantity targets while maximizing economic resources and recovery. Achieve total product and unit cost, and capital (as applicable) expenditure targets. Review and communicate Risk Management situations with crew members at line-up and field discussions. Follow notification protocols for incidents and initiate on-shift investigations. Meet objectives and comply with; Monthly Safety plans, incident reporting process, Policy/Procedure reviews, MOC system, etc. Perform injury management, working with employees and health care providers to successfully return the employee to work. About You Education: Grade 12 level education or GED equivalency is required. Experience: Minimum 5 years of industrial experience. Minimum 3 years of leadership experience leading a team in a mineral processing environment is preferred. Experience with Microsoft Office Products and SAP is preferred. Skills: Ability to work with minimal supervision and work well with others in a team environment. Must have strong written and oral communication skills. Must be obsessed with safety and risk. Must demonstrate open and transparent dialogue in all aspects of work. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, flex, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Why Sudbury Greater Sudbury is a vibrant city in northeastern Ontario, renowned for its rich mining history and significant role in Canada's mineral production. The city sits atop one of the world's largest and oldest meteorite impact sites, the Sudbury Basin, which is exceptionally rich in nickel, copper, and other critical minerals that are needed for the green economy. The mining sector is a cornerstone of Sudbury's economy, driving both employment and economic growth, and Vale Base Metals plays a pivotal role in this regard. Our commitment to the community is as deep as our mines. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Pay Grade: 17V Apply by: October 31, 2024. ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/25706757", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24772096, "name": "Maintenance Technician", "location": "Thompson, MB, CAN", "locations": ["Thompson, MB, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "T3 Mine Maint Mech/1DL (H)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1724866472, "t_create": 1724803200, "ats_job_id": "1076516", "display_job_id": "1076516", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1076516-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking Maintenance Technicians to join our Mines Maintenance Department in Thompson, Manitoba. Relocation will be required for this role. This is a permanent position. As a Maintenance Technician, you will be responsible for repairing, troubleshooting, adjusting, overhauling, servicing and maintaining underground mobile mining equipment. Your experience and skills will contribute to scheduled or emergency repairs, and preventative maintenance work to be done in the shop or field. Additionally, in this position you will: Inspect, diagnose, adjust, repair, assemble, replace and test internal combustion, electric mobile equipment and electric/hydraulic production equipment and related systems. Perform metal welding, excluding pressure welding. Align with work safety policies and safety regulations. Report deviations to established procedures. Respond to emergency situations as required. Follow established Company Health, Safety, and Environment policies and procedures. About You Education: The ideal candidate will have either an Inter-Provincial Red Seal (Certificate of Qualification) as a Heavy Duty Equipment Technician (Heavy Duty Mechanic) OR a trade certification as an Automotive Service Technician, Truck and Coach Technician or Agricultural Mechanic Technician. Experience: Minimum of 4 years of industrial experience is preferred. Skills: Thorough knowledge of Braking systems on large mobile equipment Demonstrate understanding of hydraulic systems on mobile equipment Experience installing, maintaining and repairing equipment (differentials, torque converters and power transmissions, air and liquid cooled DPU controlled diesel engines) are considered an asset. Experience with 24 VDC wiring/control systems is considered an asset. Mechanical and hydraulic blueprint reading is considered an asset. What We Offer You Competitive compensation Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, health, dental & disability plans) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Two free individual return tickets from Thompson to Winnipeg every year for personal and leisure travel Fully quipped, on-site gym facility Relocation assistance Why Thompson Often referred to as the \"Hub of the North,\" Thompson is a city deeply intertwined with the mining industry, particularly due to its rich deposits of nickel. Our presence in Thompson includes significant mining and milling operations that extract and process nickel ore from the surrounding deposits. These operations are central to Thompson's economy, providing employment and supporting local businesses. The company's ongoing investments in the region highlight Thompson's importance in our broader operational strategy to improve life and transform the future. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. In accordance with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Apply by: November 30, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/24772096", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 23576227, "name": "Electrical Planner", "location": "Thompson, MB, CAN", "locations": ["Thompson, MB, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Collective Mine Support (S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1727477250, "t_create": 1718841600, "ats_job_id": "1074797", "display_job_id": "1074797", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1074797-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking an Electrical Planner to join our Mines Team, in Thompson, MB. Relocation will be required for this role This is a permanent position. As an Electrical Planner, you will provide timely and accurate planning of requested work in concert with the requirements of both operating and maintenance functions. Additionally, in this position you will: Assemble ready to execute job packages that comply with applicable legislation, standards, policies, and procedures. Review the status of work orders to prioritize planning activities for approved work orders within area of responsibility daily. Ensure the identification of resource requirements and readiness for execution prior to the date required for the work to be completed. Encourage contribution of planning details from those expected to complete work. Incorporate crew input into planning packages for work execution. Identify and escalate all critical issues that threaten the successful planning of work orders to meet completion deadlines. Improve the efficiency of the planning process by developing and using standard jobs as templates. About You Education: A Journeyperson Electrician Class H Qualification, and/or Journeyperson Electrician Red Seal with 3 years field experience. Experience: Applicants should have 3 years work experience in Maintenance Supervision, Maintenance Planning, or a closely related discipline in a heavy industrial or mining environment. Strong Electrical background with some Mechanical Experience is considered an asset. Skills: Understands computerized work management systems (SAP experience would be an asset). Understands Asset Management concepts and systems. Strong computer skills. Ability to schedule, prioritize and manage tasks with minimal supervision. Knowledge of codes, ability to read prints and schematics. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, flex, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Two free individual return tickets from Thompson to Winnipeg every year for personal and leisure travel Fully Equipped, on site gym facility Relocation Assistance Why Thompson Often referred to as the \"Hub of the North,\" Thompson is a city deeply intertwined with the mining industry, particularly due to its rich deposits of nickel. Our presence in Thompson includes significant mining and milling operations that extract and process nickel ore from the surrounding deposits. These operations are central to Thompson's economy, providing employment and supporting local businesses. The company's ongoing investments in the region highlight Thompson's importance in our broader operational strategy to improve life and transform the future. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. In accordance with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Pay Grade: H01 Apply by: November 30, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/23576227", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 23576095, "name": "Machinist", "location": "Thompson, MB, CAN", "locations": ["Thompson, MB, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Shops Support (H)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726766595, "t_create": 1718841600, "ats_job_id": "1074796", "display_job_id": "1074796", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1074796-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Machinist to join our Divisional Shop department in Thompson, Manitoba. Relocation will be required for this role. This is a permanent position. As a Machinist, you will be responsible to lay out work, set up and operate all types of machine tools and equipment to machine, bore, cut, fit, shape, drill, thread, face, turn and mill all parts to precision tolerances and specified finishes. Your experience and skills will contribute to interpreting instructions, blueprints, sketches, work orders, drawings, plans, determine working procedures, materials, and tool requirements on work assignments in either the shop or field. Additionally, in this position you will: Measure, examine, and test completed units to detect defects and ensure conformance to specifications using precision instruments such as micrometers and calipers. Perform routine maintenance on machines and equipment. Maintain a clean and safe working environment by adhering to all safety regulations. Collaborate with engineers, maintenance supervisors & planners, and other team members to improve processes and resolve issues. Keep accurate records of production and maintenance activities. Stay current with new machining technologies and techniques. About You Education: The ideal candidate will have an Inter-Provincial Red Seal (Certificate of Qualification) as Machinist. Experience: Minimum of 4 years of industrial experience is preferred. Skills: Proven experience as a machinist, preferably in an industrial or manufacturing setting. Thorough knowledge of machining principles is required. Strong mathematical skills and mechanical aptitude is required. Experience working on manual/conventional machinery such as lathes, milling machines, drill presses, boring mills, keyseaters, and line boring on mobile equipment in the field. Experience on CNC lathes and CNC mills are considered an asset. Proficient in reading and interpreting mechanical documents and drawings is considered an asset. What We Offer You Competitive compensation Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, health, dental & disability plans) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Two free individual return tickets from Thompson to Winnipeg every year for personal and leisure travel! Fully equipped, on-site gym Facility Relocation Assistance Why Thompson Often referred to as the \"Hub of the North,\" Thompson is a city deeply intertwined with the mining industry, particularly due to its rich deposits of nickel. Our presence in Thompson includes significant mining and milling operations that extract and process nickel ore from the surrounding deposits. These operations are central to Thompson's economy, providing employment and supporting local businesses. The company's ongoing investments in the region highlight Thompson's importance in our broader operational strategy to improve life and transform the future. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Apply by: November 30, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/23576095", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 15208027, "name": "Industrial Instrumentation Mechanic", "location": "Thompson, MB, CAN", "locations": ["Thompson, MB, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "T3 Mine Maint Elct/Sfrc (H)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726288002, "t_create": 1676073600, "ats_job_id": "1056538", "display_job_id": "1056538", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1056538-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world\u2019s energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change \u2013 our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking an Industrial Instrumentation Mechanic to join our Mines Maintenance Team, in Thompson, MB. Relocation will be required for this role. This is a permanent on-site position working shift and supporting a 24-hour operation. As an Industrial Instrumentation Mechanic, you will be responsible for maintaining and improving the reliability of production by maintaining the mine technical infrastructure and instrumentation. Your experience and skills will contribute to scheduled or emergency repairs, installation and inspection of work to be done in the shop or field. Additionally, in this position you will: Safely install, test, debug and troubleshoot various pieces of equipment, preforming inspections as required. Safely perform Preventative Maintenance work to meet production schedules. Diagnose and repair instrumentation equipment problems and breakdowns to reduce impact on operations. Ability to read and interpret blueprints, electrical diagrams and OEM Manuals. Report deviations to established procedures and provide required documentation of work performed. Align with work safety policies and safety regulations. About You Education: Inter-Provincial Red Seal (Certificate of Qualification) as an instrumentation Mechanic. Minimum 3 years of industrial experience. Skills: Proven understanding of the Manitoba Electrical Safety Code, Occupational Health and Safety Act, and all other applicable legislation is required. Maintain, install, repair or splice various types of communication and instrumentation cable and wiring. Ability to dismantle, assemble, install, clean, inspect, adjust, calibrate, test repair or replace faulty parts and wiring on all types of instrumentation and electronic devices. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, health, dental and disability plan) Leave for all of life\u2019s reasons (vacation, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Two free individual return tickets from Thompson to Winnipeg every year for personal and leisure travel Fully equipped, on-site gym facility Relocation Assistance Why Thompson Often referred to as the \"Hub of the North,\" Thompson is a city deeply intertwined with the mining industry, particularly due to its rich deposits of nickel. Our presence in Thompson includes significant mining and milling operations that extract and process nickel ore from the surrounding deposits. These operations are central to Thompson's economy, providing employment and supporting local businesses. The company's ongoing investments in the region highlight Thompson's importance in our broader operational strategy to improve life and transform the future. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome \u2013 they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. In accordance with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Apply by:\u00a0November 30, 2024 #ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/15208027", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 15151840, "name": "Industrial Mechanic", "location": "Thompson, MB, CAN", "locations": ["Thompson, MB, CAN"], "hot": 1, "department": "T1 Mine Maint Shaft Mech (H)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726286937, "t_create": 1675641600, "ats_job_id": "1056359", "display_job_id": "1056359", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1056359-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world\u2019s energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change \u2013 our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking an Industrial Mechanic/Millwright to join our Maintenance Team , in Thompson, MB. Relocation will be required for this role. This is a permanent on-site position working shift and supporting a 24-hour operation. As an Industrial Mechanic, you will be responsible for installing and dismantling of equipment to inspecting and maintaining of equipment.\u00a0Your experience and skills will contribute to interpreting instructions, sketches, drawings, templates, work orders, welding procedures and data sheets related to work assignments in either the shop or field Additionally, in this position you will: install, dismantle, assemble, construct, erect, move, replace, inspect, adjust maintain and repair mechanical and process equipment and structures throughout the mines and surface plants. Safely install, inspect, service and test hoisting ropes and shaft conveyances Align with work safety policies and safety regulations. About You Education: The ideal candidate will have an Inter-Provincial Red Seal (Certificate of Qualification) as an Industrial Mechanic/Millwright. Experience: Minimum 3 years of industrial experience is preferred. Skills: Thorough knowledge of hydraulic, pneumatic, and mechanical principles is preferred. Experience installing, maintaining and repairing equipment (hydraulic, pneumatic, power transmission, mechanical drives, conveyor systems, pumps, overhead cranes) are considered an asset.\u00a0 Oxy acetylene cutting and burning is considered an asset. Mechanical and hydraulic blueprint reading is considered an asset. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, health, dental and disability plan) Leave for all of life\u2019s reasons (vacation, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Two free individual return tickets from Thompson to Winnipeg every year for personal and leisure travel Fully equipped, on-site gym facility Relocation Assistance Why Thompson Often referred to as the \"Hub of the North,\" Thompson is a city deeply intertwined with the mining industry, particularly due to its rich deposits of nickel. Our presence in Thompson includes significant mining and milling operations that extract and process nickel ore from the surrounding deposits. These operations are central to Thompson's economy, providing employment and supporting local businesses. The company's ongoing investments in the region highlight Thompson's importance in our broader operational strategy to improve life and transform the future. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome \u2013 they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. In accordance with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Apply by: \u00a0November 30, 2024 #ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/15151840", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26203160, "name": "Mill Labourer", "location": "Sudbury, ON, CAN", "locations": ["Sudbury, ON, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Clara Milling/Grinding(H)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1732299539, "t_create": 1732233600, "ats_job_id": "1078815", "display_job_id": "1078815", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1078815-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Mill Utility Labourer to join our Clarabelle Mill team in Sudbury team. This is a permanent on-site position. As a Mill Utility Labourer, you will provide a full range of services while working according to the procedures and company policies, as well as ensuring efficient operations within a safety conscious environment. In this role you will report to the Mill Supervisor. Your experience and skills will allow you to use your previous experiences and skills to support the team in producing copper and nickel concentrates. Additionally, in this position you will: Be committed to Safety Participate fully in the Vale Production System (VPS) Work independently and in a team environment About You Education: Minimum of a High School diploma or GED equivalency. Experience: Industrial experience is considered an asset. Skills: Heavy equipment experience is considered an asset. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, health, dental coverage and disability plans) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, personal, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Why Sudbury Greater Sudbury is a vibrant city in northeastern Ontario, renowned for its rich mining history and significant role in Canada's mineral production. The city sits atop one of the world's largest and oldest meteorite impact sites, the Sudbury Basin, which is exceptionally rich in nickel, copper, and other critical minerals that are needed for the green economy. The mining sector is a cornerstone of Sudbury's economy, driving both employment and economic growth, and Vale Base Metals plays a pivotal role in this regard. Our commitment to the community is as deep as our mines. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Apply by: December 8th, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/26203160", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 22, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 1, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 3.7, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "canada", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "15779186"}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": null, "facetDisplaySort": {"skills": "count_desc", "departments": "count_desc", "seniority": "count_desc", "work_location_option": "count_desc", "locations": "count_desc"}, "facets": {"skills": {"SAP": 31, "Microsoft Excel": 22, "MINERA\u00c7\u00c3O": 18, "Seguran\u00e7a": 15, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O": 14, "Maintenance": 13, "Microsoft Power BI": 12, "Mec\u00e2nica": 11, "Lideran\u00e7a": 10, "Operations": 10, "Mining": 9, "Treinamento": 9, "Confiabilidade": 8, "CNH B": 7, "Log\u00edstica": 7, "Planejamento": 7, "Transportation": 7, "Engenharia": 6, "INGL\u00caS": 6, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O PREVENTIVA": 6, "Microsoft Office": 6, "Pacote Office": 6, "Programa\u00e7\u00e3o": 6, "Programmable Logic Controllers": 6, "WHMIS": 6, "AutoCAD": 5, "Inova\u00e7\u00e3o": 5, "Siderurgia": 5, "Training": 5, "Troubleshooting": 5, "AUTOMA\u00c7\u00c3O": 4, "Aberto": 4, "Acompanhamento": 4, "CFT": 4, "CNH": 4, "CNH D": 4, "COMUNICA\u00c7\u00c3O": 4, "Ferrovia": 4, "Implementa\u00e7\u00e3o": 4, "Instrumentation": 4, "PCM": 4, "Power Bi": 4, "RAC": 4, "Welding": 4, "Caminh\u00e3o Fora De Estrada": 4, "Escavadeira": 4, "Gest\u00e3o De Projetos": 4, "Gest\u00e3o De Qualidade": 4, "CONSTRU\u00c7\u00c3O": 3, "CPR": 3, "Communication": 3, "Controle De Qualidade": 3, "Electrical Systems": 3, "Ensino": 3, "Fall Protection": 3, "Geologia": 3, "Geology": 3, "Gest\u00e3o De Contratos": 3, "Gest\u00e3o De Seguran\u00e7a": 3, "Hidr\u00e1ulica": 3, "IQM": 3, "Investigation": 3, "Kaizen": 3, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O Corretiva": 3, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O Industrial": 3, "Metodologia Kaizen": 3, "Milling": 3, "Planejamento De Mina": 3, "Processo De Qualidade": 3, "SSMA": 3, "Scheduling": 3, "Seguro": 3, "Soldagem": 3, "Usinagem": 3, "Geotecnia": 3, "Gest\u00e3o": 3, "Gest\u00e3o Integrada De Qualidade": 3, "NORMAS Regulamentadoras": 3, "Opera\u00e7\u00e3o De Mina": 3, "Oxi-Acetil\u00eanicos": 3, "Perfuratriz": 3, "Suprimentos": 3, "Telecom": 3, "Usina": 3, "Alinhamento a Laser": 2, "Ambiente De Trabalho": 2, "Analise De Acidente": 2, "An\u00e1lise De Dados": 2, "Atividade": 2, "CNH C": 2, "Cable Splicing": 2, "Circuits": 2, "Combat": 2, "Componentes Mec\u00e2nicos": 2, "Construction": 2, "Construction and Maintenance": 2, "Coordena\u00e7\u00e3o": 2}, "departments": {"Ger IQM Lab e Suporte": 3, "SUP OPER MINA SERRA LESTE A": 3, "COORD MANUT MECANICA": 2, "COORD SEGURANCA TRABALHO III": 2, "Coord Proc Hid P\u00e1tio": 2, "Ger Estrat\u00e9gia e Desempenho": 2, "Ger Projeto Estra Miner e Inov": 2, "Opera\u00e7\u00e3o Geral BM01": 2, "SUP DE TURNO B97": 2, "SUPERV PERFURACAO DE MINA D": 2, "Sup Manut Classifica\u00e7\u00e3o": 2, "Sup Manut Prev Descarga 7h": 2, "AP GER TI ARQUIT INFORMACAO": 1, "AP OPERACAO USINA VGR I E II_1": 1, "AP SUP OP MINA CMT A_CAT 789": 1, "ATEND DOM TEC PEL BRIQ FER POR": 1, "Ap Sup Compra/Sobressalentes": 1, "Apoio Manut Corretiva": 1, "CCM North Production (S)": 1, "COORD ENG ELETRO/TO EFVM": 1, "COORD ENG\u00ba MINA PARAOPEBA": 1, "COORD GESTAO ATENDIMENTO TEC": 1, "COORD MONITORAMENTO ATIVOS VP": 1, "COORD OBRAS SERV OP SS": 1, "COORD PCM MANUT MINA FAZENDAO": 1, "COORD PROCESSO INTEG ESTRUT": 1, "COORD SEG TRAB MINA SERRA SUL": 1, "COORD SUPR CATEG CORR NORTE": 1, "Clara Mill-Sup-Plant Admin(S)": 1, "Clara Milling/Grinding(H)": 1, "Coleman Mobile Mtce(H)": 1, "Collective Mine Support (S)": 1, "Concentrat-Fixd Plant Main (S)": 1, "Concentrator FP UG Mech H": 1, "Coor Integr de Tecn Bar Cor Su": 1, "Coor de PCM Tecn Corredor Sud": 1, "Coord Infra Tec Conectividade": 1, "Coord Inspe\u00e7\u00e3o Eletrica\u2013DESG": 1, "Coord Manuten\u00e7\u00e3o Logistica": 1, "Coordenador PCM 8": 1, "EXEC MANUT PREVENTIVA TURMA D2": 1, "Electrical - 11(H)": 1, "FACILITIES COND MINAS CENTRAIS": 1, "GER FACILITIES SUDESTE": 1, "GER GEOTECNIA HIDROG MARIANA": 1, "GER MAN INDUS CONCEICAO I": 1, "GER MEIO AMBIENTE PELOTIZ": 1, "GER SUPRIM REG SERRA SUL": 1, "Ger Engenharia Serra Sul": 1, "Ger Geo Explo Brownf Sudeste": 1, "Ger Plan Longo Prazo Norte": 1, "Ger Propried Intelec e Intelig": 1, "Ger Sup Op Projetos TI": 1, "Ger. 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