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principal provedor de dados e informa\u00e7\u00f5es do Pa\u00eds), qual cor/ra\u00e7a voc\u00ea se declara?\":\n \"\",\n \"Qual a sua orienta\u00e7\u00e3o afetivo-sexual?\":\n \"'Indica como nos sentimos em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 atra\u00e7\u00e3o afetiva e/ou sexual nos relacionamentos'\",\n \"Voc\u00ea se considera uma Pessoa com Defici\u00eancia?\":\n \"'Pessoas com defici\u00eancia s\u00e3o aquelas que t\u00eam impedimentos de longo prazo de natureza f\u00edsica, mental, intelectual ou sensorial, os quais podem obstruir sua participa\u00e7\u00e3o plena e efetiva na sociedade em igualdades de condi\u00e7\u00f5es com as demais pessoas.'\",\n };\n \n radio_text_to_tooltip_text = {\n \"Homem cisg\u00eanero\":\n \"'Pessoa nasceu com o \u00f3rg\u00e3o sexual masculino e se identifica com o g\u00eanero masculino'\",\n \"Mulher cisg\u00eanero\":\n \"'Pessoa nasceu com o \u00f3rg\u00e3o sexual feminino e se identifica com o g\u00eanero feminino'\",\n \"Homem trans\": \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com o g\u00eanero atribu\u00eddo ao nascimento'\",\n \"Mulher trans\": \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com o g\u00eanero atribu\u00eddo ao nascimento'\",\n \"N\u00e3o Bin\u00e1rio / Fluida\":\n \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com nenhum g\u00eanero ou se identifica com ambos os g\u00eaneros'\",\n Branca: \"'Pessoas de apar\u00eancia e pele branca'\",\n Preta: \"'Pessoas que t\u00eam pele escura'\",\n Amarela:\n \"'Pessoas com descend\u00eancia asi\u00e1tica \u2013 japonesas, chinesas, coreanas, etc'\",\n Parda:\n \"'Pessoas de pele mais clara porque s\u00e3o mesti\u00e7as \u2013 filhas de pessoas brancas e pretas, de ind\u00edgenas e brancas ou de ind\u00edgenas e pretas'\",\n Ind\u00edgena: \"'Pessoas descendentes de \u00edndios(as)'\",\n Heterossexual:\n \"'Pessoa que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com pessoa do g\u00eanero oposto.'\",\n Gay: \"'Homem que se sente atra\u00eddo e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com outro homem.'\",\n L\u00e9sbica:\n \"'Mulher que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com outra mulher.'\",\n Bissexual:\n \"'Pessoa que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com pessoas de todos os g\u00eaneros.'\",\n };\n\n for (question in questions) {\n current_question = $(`.apply-item-title:contains(${question})`)[0];\n radio_div =\n current_question.parentElement.parentElement.nextElementSibling;\n question_tooltip = questions[question];\n question_icon = `<i class='far fa-info-circle hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='' data-original-title=${question_tooltip} style='font-size: 20px;color: #288061;position: relative;top: 3px;padding:5px;' trigger='click'></i>`;\n if (question_tooltip != \"\") {\n $(current_question).append(`<span>${question_icon}</span>`);\n }\n var containers = $(radio_div).find(\".radioContainer\");\n radios = containers.find(\".radio-label\");\n radios.each(function () {\n radio_text = $(this).text();\n parent_container = $(this).parent(\".radioContainer\");\n tooltip_text = radio_text_to_tooltip_text[radio_text];\n icon = `<i class='far custom_vale_icon fa-info-circle pull-right hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='' data-original-title=${tooltip_text} style='font-size: 20px;color: #288061;position: relative;top: 10px;padding:5px;' trigger='click'></i>`;\n if (tooltip_text != undefined) {\n parent_container.append(`<span class='tablecell'>${icon}</span>`);\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\n\n// This function adds icons with hoverable tooltips to the questions on brazillian external positions\nfunction question_modifications() {\n console.log(\"Calling question_modifications\");\n\n try {\n try_adding_tooltip_icons()\n\n } catch (error) {\n\n if (is_canada_external()){\n // no modifications needed, quit\n return\n }\n if (is_canada_internal()){\n // remove numbers from questions\n $(\"span:contains('5- Please state your city') > span > span\").first().text(\"Please state your city\")\n $(\"span:contains('6- Please state your province') > span > span\").first().text(\"Please state your province\")\n return\n }\n if (is_brazil_internal()){\n // no modification needed, quit\n return\n }\n if (is_brazil_external()){\n // If we get here, then the try block was succesful and we can quit this loop\n return\n }\n\n setTimeout(question_modifications, 300);\n\n \n // // if we get here, then the questions haven't loaded yet. Re-call th\n // // above script throws a \"parentElement not found\" error if the jquery selectors fail. Jquery selector likely failing because question does not exist on DOM when script is called.\n // if ($(\".custom_vale_icon\").length == 0) {\n // console.log(\"calling tooltips recursively\");\n // }\n }\n}\n\nsetTimeout(question_modifications, 300);\n</script>", "SUCCESS_FORM_PAGE_LOAD": "", "JOIN_TALENT_NETWORK_PAGE_LOAD": ""}, "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/favicon.ico"}, "homePageHeroBanner": {"useImage": 0, "opacity": 1, "hideInMobileView": false, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/imageevp.jpg", "title": "N\u00f3s utilizamos intelig\u00eancia artificial para indicar as melhores vagas para o seu perfil. A ferramenta ainda est\u00e1 em fase de aprendizagem, por isso seja compreensivo(a) caso haja indica\u00e7\u00f5es n\u00e3o coerentes com seu curr\u00edculo."}, "showJobId": 1, "links": {"blogs": ["https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/data-governance-key-element-digital-transformation-edson-antonio/", "https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/vale-experience-global-trainee-program-paula-nacif-de-moura/"], "videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk3SrZ6WPb0", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33Mgbclh5xw", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NFVEQ_BDN8"]}, "companyName": "Vale", "navBar": {"opacity": 0.9, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/Vale_w.png", "link": "http://www.vale.com/brasil/PT/people/Paginas/Portal-de-Vagas.aspx", "background": "#007E7A", "title": "Vale"}, "applySuccessMessage": "Candidatura Confirmada!", "privacy": {"text": "<div style=\"text-align: initial;\">We only collect essential data for this activity under the legal basis of your interest in participating in selection processes and joining the talent bank. We use Eightfold's artificial intelligence tool that automatically reads your resume and fills in the data found on it on the Platform. We use the personal data collected as follows:<br><br>\n\n<ul>\n<li>Enable your participation in the selection process(es);</li>\n\n<li>Include your data in our system to facilitate the analysis of your resume during the selection process for the position;</li>\n\n<li>Contact you, based on the progress of the selection process in which you are participating or to inform you about new opportunities that may be of interest to you;</li>\n\n<li>Monitor our service and our interactions with you.</li>\n\n<li>Notify your manager, via email, of your application</li>\n\n</ul>\n<br>\nWe will not use your data for purposes other than those indicated above without your consent.<br>\nYour data will only be shared with those who need to receive it to enable their participation in the selection process or to suggest other vacancies at Vale that align with your profile. Thus, Vale's recruiters will receive your data and, any partner HR consultant that is supporting us in conducting the Vale selection process.<br>\nSuch companies will be able to communicate directly with you to conduct the selection process and related topics.</div>\n\n<br><br><p>Coletamos apenas dados essenciais para essa atividade e sob o fundamento legal do seu interesse na participa\u00e7\u00e3o de tais processos seletivos e integra\u00e7\u00e3o de bancos de talentos.<br>N\u00f3s usamos a ferramenta de intelig\u00eancia artificial da Eightfold que l\u00ea seu curr\u00edculo automaticamente e preenche os dados que se encontram nele na Plataforma.<br>Utilizamos os dados pessoais coletados para:<br><br>\u2022 Viabilizar sua participa\u00e7\u00e3o em processos(s) seletivo(s);<br>\u2022 Incluir seus dados no nosso sistema para facilitar a an\u00e1lise do curr\u00edculo durante o processo seletivo para a vaga;<br>\u2022 Entrar em contato com voc\u00ea, em raz\u00e3o de andamento do processo seletivo de que voc\u00ea esteja participando ou para inform\u00e1-lo sobre novos processos que possam ser de seu interesse;<br>\u2022 Monitorar nosso atendimento e nossas intera\u00e7\u00f5es com voc\u00ea.<br>\u2022 Seu gestor receber\u00e1 uma confirma\u00e7\u00e3o por email da sua candidatura<br><br>N\u00e3o n\u00e3o usaremos seus dados para fins diferentes dos indicados acima sem o seu consentimento.<br>Seus dados ser\u00e3o compartilhados apenas com aqueles que precisam receb\u00ea-los para viabilizar sua participa\u00e7\u00e3o no processo seletivo ou para sugerir para voc\u00ea outras vagas na Vale que sejam aderentes ao seu perfil. Assim, receber\u00e3o seus dados os recrutadores da Vale e, eventualmente, alguma consultoria de RH parceira que esteja nos apoiando na condu\u00e7\u00e3o do processo seletivo Vale.<br>Tais empresas poder\u00e3o se comunicar diretamente com voc\u00ea para a condu\u00e7\u00e3o do processo seletivo e para temas relacionados.<br><b> O site de carreiras interno \u00e9 um portal exclusivo para funcion\u00e1rios Vale. Terceirizados devem aplicar pelo site de carreiras externos </b></br>", "button": "Confirmar", "title": "Pol\u00edtica de Privacidade de Dados"}, "postApplyText": "Voc\u00ea receber\u00e1 uma mensagem de confirma\u00e7\u00e3o da sua candidatura no email registrado. Fique atento ao seu email para novidades sobre o processo seletivo.", "defaultState": {"pymww": false, "autoLoadFirstPosition": false}, "custom_style": {"css": ".hero-image{background-size:cover !important; height:450px !important}.btn-primary{background-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.btn-primary:hover{background-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;color: #000 !important}.go-button{border-color: #007e7a !important;color: #007e7a !important}.btn-secondary{border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.btn-secondary:hover{border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important;color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.position-apply-button,.add-to-job-cart-button{background:#007e7a!important;border-color: #007e7a !important;color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.position-apply-button, .add-to-job-cart-button:hover{color: #ffffff !important}.people-card-matches{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.perk-icon{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.get-matched-button{font-weight:normal;font-size:12pt!important;border:0px;}.search-results-main-container .position-cards-container .card-selected {border-left-color:#007e7a!important;}.personalization-bar{background-color: #6a6a69 !important}.position-card .position-title{color: #007e7a !important}.all-positions-header h1{font-size: 20pt !important; color: rgb(0, 0, 0) !important;font-weight:bold;}.perk-icon{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.jumbotron{font-size: 200px !important}.advanced-options-button{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important}.jumbotron h1{font-size:24pt!important;font-weight:normal!important;margin-top: 70px !important}.position-sub-title, .custom-content-title {font-size:16pt!important;color:#000000!important;}.banner-item img{width:136px;}.banner-item {right:-43px;}.candidate-login-button{color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important; border-color: #007e7a !important} .apply .refer .navbar img { height: 20px !important;}.upload-resume-modal .privacy-agreement {width: 470px !important;min-height: 590px !important;border-radius: 30px !important; padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px; !important; font-size:9pt !important}.upload-resume-modal .privacy-agreement .btn-sm {border-color: rgb(0, 126, 122) !important} .position-count-message{color: #ffffff !important} .position-insights.p-md{visibility: hidden !important} .insights-bg{visibility: hidden !important} .col-xs-12.col-sm-12.col-md-7.no-pad-right{width: 54% !important} .match-details {visibility:hidden !important} .jumbotron h1 { text-align: left !important; margin-left: 68% !important; padding-left: 16px !important; font-size: 16px !important; padding-right: 2% !important; background-color: rgba(237,177,17, 0.85)!important; padding-top: 16px !important; padding-bottom: 16px !important; margin-top: 28px !important;} @media only screen and (max-width: 992px) {.jumbotron h1 { margin-left: 52% !important; margin-top: 50px !important;}}"}, "hideJobCart": true, "page_title": "Careers at Vale", "job_page_title": "Careers at Vale", "page_description": "Careers at Vale", "page_image": "", "talentNetworkBranding": {"custom_html": {"header": "", "footer": ""}}, "talentNetworkHeroBanner": {"useImage": 1, "opacity": 1, "hideInMobileView": false}, "custom_html": {"header": "", "footer": ""}, "recaptcha_enabled": 0, "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true}, "positions": [{"id": 24618215, "name": "Engineer-in-Training", "location": "Long Harbour, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Long Harbour, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "LHO_TECH_REFINERY (S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1725566353, "t_create": 1724198400, "ats_job_id": "1076330", "display_job_id": "1076330", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1076330-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world\u2019s energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change \u2013 our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking an Engineer-in-Training (EIT) to join our Technical Services team in Long Harbour. This is an on-site position , working 4x10s schedule.\u00a0This is a 12-18 month-fixed term position. As an EIT , you will assist with a wide variety of tasks relating to both technical and operational support for the Long Harbour Processing Plant including studying aspects of operational efficiency, quantifying and developing strategies for mitigating risk. Additionally, the EIT will perform analysis, troubleshooting, optimization, data collection, quality monitoring, performance evaluation, mass balance preparation and plant operation coordination. Additionally, in this position you will: Assist in the diagnosis of technical problems related to the plant\u2019s operation, and complete metallurgical test work to support recommendations and aid in process optmization. Monitor plant system production performance and integrity; communicate with the various groups to ensure processes are in place to sustain and build production capability and to meet targets outlined in the business plan. Jointly plan, manage and implement plant-wide improvements with operations, technical services and other support groups. Provide mentoring, training, and coaching to a very high standard to colleagues and operations. Manage assigned projects in a manner that meets quality, time and resource requirements. Ensure the applicable regulations and policies are understood and followed with respect to safety, health, and environment. Prepare technical reports and presentations. About You Education: An Undergraduate Degree in Chemical, Process, or Metallurgical Engineering is required. Registration as an Engineer-in-Training is required.\u00a0 Experience: 1 -2 years of experience in a similar role is an asset; however, new graduates are welcome to apply. Skills: Strong organizational, analytical and problem-solving skills. Excellent communication (verbal & written) and interpersonal skills. Able to build and maintain strong positive relationships across multiple groups. Ability to work both independently and as part of a team. Ability to manage time effectively and meet deadlines. What We Offer You Competitive compensation Flexible work arrangements\u00a0 Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Online training and career development opportunities Opportunities to build your network and lots of fun! Flexible work schedule and a bus service departing from the St. John\u2019s vicinity All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21 st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome \u2013 they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Pay Grade: F8T/F7T Apply by: Thursday, September 19th, 2024 #ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/24618215", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25152245, "name": "Maintenance Assistant 2 - Wash Bay Attendant", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Mine Maintenance (H)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726687422, "t_create": 1726617600, "ats_job_id": "1077036", "display_job_id": "1077036", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1077036-en", "job_description": null, "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/25152245", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25123092, "name": "Manager, Regional Contracts and Supply Chain", "location": "St John's, NL, CAN", "locations": ["St John's, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "PROJECT DIRECTOR VBME (S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726497247, "t_create": 1726444800, "ats_job_id": "1076976", "display_job_id": "1076976", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1076976-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Manager, Regional Contracts and Supply Chain to join our Mines project team in St.John's. This is a permanent hybrid position. As a Manager, Regional Contracts & Supply Chain, you will be accountable for the Contracts and Supply Chain Management (CSCM) scope for a given area inside the NAPG matrix organization structure. Your experience and skills will provide support to Procurement and post award contractual and financial management of all professional services, purchasing, and construction contracts for the Projects within an area's portfolio. It involves developing and implementing specific control measures to ensure the successful execution and management of all contracts within the project. Additionally, in this position you will: Ensure the Capital Projects Procurement group is aligned with the Project Execution Plan in the sourcing and selection of major purchases and contracts, including: proponent selection, requests for proposals, technical and commercial proposal evaluations, and the award of contracts and purchase orders. Lead a team of professionals specializing in requisitioning, expediting and contract management, ensuring that functionals objectives are achieved to meet the overall project plan. Provides direction and legal/contractual expertise to the Engineering and Construction teams to ensure scopes of work align with the procurement strategy and are suitable for soliciting quality proposals from the market. Leads the design and implementation of an effective change management process and contract close-out plan that minimizes the time necessary to achieve operations acceptance of contracts. Guides, mentors, and provides functional supervision to the projects integrated contracts management and supply chain team, including Vale staff, third party personnel and Project Management consultant employees. Ensures compliance of all contract management related matters with the Vale Base Metals policies and procedures (SPE), legal and regulatory requirements, insurance, finance, tax, and Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) requirements. About You Education: An undergraduate degree in Commerce, Law, Engineering, or relevant discipline. Experience: Minimum of 11-15 years of experience in similar subject area. Skills: Excellent leadership and people management skills In depth experience working within an EPCM or integrated project execution model Expert negotiator, with clear concise verbal and written communication skills. Experience with entire Contract administration cycle of EPCM contracts in excess of $75 million or more Procurement expertise on capital projects valued at $400 million or greater. What We Offer You Competitive compensation Flexible work arrangements Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Online training and career development opportunities Opportunities to build your network and lots of fun! All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Pay Grade: GrG Apply by: Friday, September 22nd, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/25123092", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 25100206, "name": "Maintenance Technician - Underground Heavy Duty Equipment Technician", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Mine Maintenance UG - H", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726258853, "t_create": 1726185600, "ats_job_id": "1076955", "display_job_id": "1076955", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1076955-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Maintenance Technician - Underground Heavy Duty Equipment Technician to join our Mobile Maintenance Team in Voisey's Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. This is a permanent on-site position, working a 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off rotation. As a Maintenance Technician - Underground Heavy Duty Equipment Technician you will responsible for repairing, troubleshooting, adjusting, overhauling, servicing, and maintaining mobile heavy-duty mining equipment. Additionally, in this position you will: Check Bolters, Jumbo Drills, Haul Trucks and other underground equipment for proper performance and inspect equipment to detect faults and malfunctions; Clean, lubricate and perform other routine maintenance work on equipment; Adjust, repair or replace defective parts and components of the equipment systems; Comply with work safety policies and safety regulations Inspect, examine and test parts in order to recommend the extent and nature of the work to be done then test the final repair; Service attachments and working tools as required About You Education: Post-secondary education in Heavy Duty Equipment Technician is required. Interprovincial Red Seal in Heavy Duty Equipment Technician is required. Experience: 5 years Journeyperson experience in an industrial environment. Previous mining and/or heavy construction experience. Skills: Strong knowledge of the repair and maintenance of CAT Epiroc, Hitachi, Sandvik and Maclean Mining Equipment. Solid knowledge of and interest in computerized diagnostic tools and equipment Strong ability to troubleshoot Heavy Duty hydraulic systems, electrical systems and powertrains. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, flex, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.) Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Apply by: Monday, September 30th, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/25100206", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24988706, "name": "Job Readiness Training Program (JRTP) Trainee", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Concentrator Genral Overhd (H)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726143781, "t_create": 1726012800, "ats_job_id": "1076849", "display_job_id": "1076849", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1076849-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Job Readiness Training Program (JRTP) Trainee to join our Mill, Mine & Warehouse Departments team in Voisey's Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. Applicants must be an Innu Nation Member or a Nunatsiavut Beneficiary and have successfully completed a Career Exposure program at Voisey's Bay to be considered. These are 12-month fixed term on-site positions, working a 2 week on/2 week off rotation at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. The JRTP Trainee role introduces new employees to the Mill, Surface Mine and Warehouse departments while gaining experience in an industrial environment. After successful completion of the program, you will have gained the necessary skills to qualify for an entry level position within one of these three departments. Additionally, in this position you will: Ensure knowledge of all safety policies and strictly adhere to them. Become familiar with the safe work practices and standard operating procedures. Mine: Perform pre-operational checks, and operate equipment according to standard operating procedures. Mill: Monitor equipment and processes, and conduct troubleshooting activities when problems arise. Perform housekeeping activities. Complete training as required. Participate in crew safety meetings. About You Education: Minimum completion of Grade 10 secondary school. Experience: Successful completion of the Career Exposure program at Voisey's Bay is a requirement. 6 months of industrial experience and/or heavy equipment operation would be considered an asset. Skills: Demonstrate concern for Safety, Health, and Environment. Strong ability to work cooperatively within a team environment. Demonstrate initiative and follow instructions. Able to recognize hazards in an industrial workplace. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, flex, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.) Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Apply by: Friday, September 27th, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/24988706", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24915278, "name": "Mobile Maintenance Planner", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Mine Maintenance (S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1725630666, "t_create": 1725580800, "ats_job_id": "1076741", "display_job_id": "1076741", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1076741-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Mobile Maintenance Planner to join our Integrated Planning Team in Voisey's Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. This is a permanent on-site position, working a 2 weeks on/2 weeks off rotation at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. As a Mobile Maintenance Planner, you will support the Mobile Maintenance team. You will be responsible for the development of the maintenance plans and high-quality job packages for mobile equipment at the Voisey's Bay mine site while incorporating safe working condition criteria, production targets, and forecasting the appropriate resources to complete the work. Your experience and skills will also aid the maintenance team to stay focused and on track with the scheduled short- and long-term plans while playing an active lead role in supporting the team in meeting performance targets. Additionally, in this position you will: Manage the work order screening process, review work requests along with other members to determine legitimacy and prioritization of work. Create accurate plans for the scheduling and workforce forecasting for weekly, monthly and long-term maintenance schedules. Identify and assist in the procurement of all parts and materials required for equipment repairs. Coordinate with warehousing and purchasing to manage parts requirements. Participate in creating and continuous improvement of PMs, Task Lists and BOMs. Coordinate with warehousing, purchasing to manage parts requirements as well as coordinate contractor support. About You Education: Post-secondary education is required. Interprovincial Red Seal in Heavy Duty Equipment, Truck & Transport, or Automotive Mechanic is preferred. Experience: 5 years of experience in a similar role related to maintenance planning and scheduling. Skills: Knowledge in the operation of heavy equipment repair. Understanding of computerized work management and asset management concepts and systems. Strong computer usage skills in SAP, BMS, Microsoft Products (Excel, Outlook, Word), Business Objects, Manufacturer Technical Online Support Services, etc. Ability to schedule, prioritize, and manage tasks with minimal supervision. Knowledge of codes, ability to read prints and schematics. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, flex, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.) Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Pay Grade: H01 Apply by: Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/24915278", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24898631, "name": "Safety Advisor", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Health & Safety (S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1725536772, "t_create": 1725494400, "ats_job_id": "1076699", "display_job_id": "1076699", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1076699-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Safety Advisor to join our Health, Safety, and Risk Team in Voisey's Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. This is a permanent on-site position, working a 2 week on, 2 week off rotation with alternating day and night shifts each rotation. As a Safety Advisor, you will be a vital part of the Voisey's Bay Health, Safety, and Risk Team. Together, we monitor, check, and continually improve our health and safety systems to create an environment where we can all successfully achieve zero harm and go HomeSafe. In this position you will: Drive the hazard identification and risk assessment process for the operation by collaborating with other sites and share standard methodologies across locations. Develop site specific safety and health standards and update existing programs. Champion the health and safety management system process to drive the plan, do, check, act cycle. Lead safety field audits and inspections of surface contractor activities, evaluate and provide information on performance through reports and presentations. Review data and provide analysis, development, and delivery of recommendations for continuous improvement for the site. Lead and encourage participation in safety related meetings and forums for contractor and operations personnel. Ensure alignment with Provincial, Federal, and Vale regulatory requirements for health, safety and environment. Participate in review of work scopes, engineering packages, and other associated documentation to provide mentorship from a health and safety perspective. Provide advice for problem solving of health and/or safety issues and assist in the assessment of potential impacts. Support the preparation and review of contractual scopes of work, review of proposals, and recommendations for successful award of contracts to support the mine. Lead and participate in incident investigations as required. Work closely with the Emergency Response team to allow an effective emergency management process, and a strong crisis management process. Help define the critical controls and the way to measure their efficiency by establishing and monitoring critical metrics. About You Education: A minimum of a post-secondary education in a related field (safety engineering technology) is required. Must have technical certification - Occupational Health & Safety Program. Professional safety destination considered an asset. Experience: A minimum of 5 years' related safety experience. Must have experience working in underground mining environment. Skills: Working knowledge of Newfoundland and Labrador OH&S Act and Regulations. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan. Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package. Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances). Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, flex, sick, parental) . Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth. Employee Family Assistance Program. Virtual Healthcare online. Online training and career development opportunities. Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador. 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team. Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.). Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling. All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses. Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Pay Grade: F6T Apply by: Thursday, September 19th, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/24898631", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24905708, "name": "Mechanical Maintenance Planner", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Concentrator FP UG Mech S", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1725568289, "t_create": 1725494400, "ats_job_id": "1076730", "display_job_id": "1076730", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1076730-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Mechanical Maintenance Planner to join our Integrated Planning Team in Voisey's Bay, Labrador, a fly-in fly-out operation. This is a permanent on-site position, working a 2 weeks on/2 weeks off rotation at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. As a Mechanical Maintenance Planner, you will support the Underground Fixed Plant Maintenance team. You will be responsible for creating construction and maintenance plans for underground infrastructure including bulk material handling systems, conveyors, pumps, sizers, overhead doors, fan installations, etc. Your experience and skills will also aid the maintenance team to stay focused and on track with the scheduled short- and long-term plans. Additionally, in this position you will: Manage the work order screening process, review work requests along with other members to determine legitimacy and prioritization of work. Create accurate plans for the scheduling and workforce forecasting for weekly, monthly and long-term maintenance schedules. Identify and assist in the procurement of all parts and materials required for equipment repairs. Coordinate with warehousing and purchasing to manage parts requirements. Participate in creating and continuous improvement of PMs, Task Lists and BOMs. Coordinate with warehousing, purchasing to manage parts requirements as well as coordinate contractor support. About You Education: Post-secondary education is required. Interprovincial Red Seal in Millwright, Pipefitting or another Mechanical discipline is preferred. Experience: 5 years of experience in a similar role related to maintenance planning and scheduling. Skills: Knowledge in the operation of mining repair facilities and or underground mining with a focus on mechanical systems. Understanding of computerized work management and asset management concepts and systems. Strong computer usage skills in SAP, BMS, Microsoft Products (Excel, Outlook, Word), Business Objects, Manufacturer Technical Online Support Services, etc. Ability to schedule, prioritize, and manage tasks with minimal supervision. Knowledge of codes, ability to read prints and schematics. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, flex health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, flex, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Chartered flights within Newfoundland & Labrador 24/7 access to a fully stocked cafeteria with balanced meals prepared by our culinary team Access to recreational facilities and social activities (cardio/weight room, gymnasium, music room, movie theatre, etc.) Accommodations are equipped with cable TV, internet, and unlimited long-distance calling All Personal Protective Equipment is provided upon hire. Employees are given a safety boot allowance and receive a 100% reimbursement for prescription safety glasses Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Pay Grade: H01 Apply by: Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/24905708", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24864403, "name": "Environmental Advisor", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Administration Environment (S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1725454025, "t_create": 1725408000, "ats_job_id": "1076670", "display_job_id": "1076670", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1076670-en", "job_description": "Work with a team of environmental professionals, including contract employees, to provide guidance and expertise regarding environmental programs for Labrador Operations in order to achieve continuous improvement in their environmental objectives Develop and maintain the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS), policies and procedures Ensure quality assurance and quality control aspects of monitring programs, respecive monitoring equipment and collected monitoring data Develop and conduct compliance monitoring programs (e.g. ambient air, water quality, soil, wildlife, etc) as stipulated in regulaotry approvals for Labrador Operations. Coordinate reporting to meet regulatory, corporate and other external requirements Coordinate planning/implementation of permitting and compliance strategies, including budgeting and scheduling. Coordinate and/or provide support to the Canadian environment teams in the implementation of Global/North Atlantic sustainability initiatives. A minimum of 5 years' experience in a similar role. Technical expertise and knowledge on environmental issues in order to interpret legislation and develop sound advocacy strategies. Technical expertise and knowledge on environmental baseline studies, permitting requirements, Environmental Assessment process, MDMER requirements etc. Experience in environmental sampling and data analysis Experience uploading data from devices to PC for appropriate reporting and recordkeeping requirements Experience in ISO 14001 Must understand complex environmental issues and have the ability to clearly articulate key messages to target audiences (employees, community, government). Excellent communication skills, both oral and written. Must be able to write and speak persuasively. Ability to stay calm under pressure; manage and multi-task on a variety of issues & activities.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/24864403", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 24857315, "name": "Warehouse Projects Lead", "location": "Labrador, NL, CAN", "locations": ["Labrador, NL, CAN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Supply Chain VNL- LH (S)", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726512606, "t_create": 1725321600, "ats_job_id": "1076663", "display_job_id": "1076663", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "1076663-en", "job_description": "Ready to build a rewarding career in an industry that is growing? Who We Are We are a global mining company dedicated to safely delivering nickel, copper, cobalt, and platinum group metals essential for the world's energy transition. Our mission is to improve lives and shape a better future together. From utensils to cellphones to satellites, our operations simplify daily life and enhance connectivity. Our metals are integral to life-saving medical equipment and the electric vehicles driving the fight against climate change - our work truly matters. Join our diverse team of 15,000 talented individuals committed to transforming critical minerals into prosperity and sustainable development in countries like Canada, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. We invite you to use your skills with us and contribute to something meaningful and enduring. The Opportunity We are currently seeking a Warehouse Projects Lead to join our Inbound Logistics team in St. John's. NL. This is a permanent position, working a Monday-Friday Schedule in the St. John's office, with frequent travel to the Voisey's Bay Mine Site and Long Harbour Operations Site as required, which may require rotational work at times. As a Lead, Warehouse Projects, you will work closely with the Inbound Logistics Manager and other departmental staff to ensure that relative aspects of the Warehousing process is being formulated and implemented to meet with acceptable department & company warehousing standards. The Lead, Warehouse Projects will take an active leadership role in the safety of personnel and in the interactions with operations and be an advocate for the safety, health and environmental sustainability of the organization. They will develop and implement plans to achieve departmental and overall site goals and continually look for improvement opportunities through VPS. Work schedule is subject to change as per business requirements, up to and including weeks on/off working from a remote site. Additionally, in this position you will: Take an active leadership role in the safety of personnel and in the interactions with operations. Oversee the execution and implementation of key projects and improvement systems, processes, capital purchases and infrastructure. Be an advocate for the safety, health and environmental sustainability of the organization. Develop and implement plans to achieve departmental and overall site goals. Continually look for improvement opportunities through VPS. Oversee warehouse project and initiative scheduling, movement of manpower, equipment, materials and supplies around sites working with the various stakeholders, Provide regular reporting on departmental activities. Provide support to Warehouse Supervisors and Technicians. About You Education: An undergraduate degree in Business, Statistics, or in another relevant field of study is required. A College or Trades School diploma in Marine Studies, or other relevant field of study would be an asset. Experience: A minimum of 5 years' experience in Logistics, Leadership, or Project Management. Skills: Must have experience in and be good with computerized software programs such as peoplesoft, SAP, excel spreadsheets. Must have extensive knowledge and experience in detailed cycle time studies on materials, shipping and transportation and its impact on resource requirements and cost. Should have leadership experience; it is an asset to have a proven track record with Warehousing, Logistics, Inbound Logistics and Marine environment activities. Must be familiar with shipping and scheduling activities, must have an understanding of statistics and have a previous successful track record with operational environments, materials handling, and project coordination. Must have good communication skills and the ability to juggle priorities while working with several groups with key requirements, changing priorities and the ability to find alignment and common ground in scheduling as necessary. Should have a good understanding of the company and government Safety and Environmental policy and procedures and ensure work is conducted to those standards. What We Offer You Competitive compensation including a variable annual incentive plan Participation in a competitive Defined Contribution Pension package Comprehensive benefits package (company paid core coverage, health and dental coverage, flex accounts, disability plans and optional insurances) Leave for all of life's reasons (vacation, flex, sick, parental) Work culture dedicated to safety, diversity & inclusion, and career growth Employee Family Assistance Program Virtual Healthcare online Online training and career development opportunities Why Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada's easternmost province, is known for its rugged coastline, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources. The province's economy is bolstered by a robust mining sector, where our operations play a crucial role. At Long Harbour, we operate a state-of-the-art processing plant, which refines nickel concentrate from the Voisey's Bay mine into finished nickel, copper, and cobalt products. This plant is a cornerstone of our commitment to value-added processing in Canada. Meanwhile, the Voisey's Bay mine, located in Labrador, is one of the world's most substantial nickel deposits. It provides high-quality nickel, copper, and cobalt, essential for the 21st century economy. Include to Transform At Vale Base Metals, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive work environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. Vale encourages everyone to express their ideas and opinions and values the plurality of individual profiles. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome - they are critical to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or any other personal consideration that makes us different. Vale is an equal opportunity employer seeking to increase diversity across our operations and improve equal opportunity at Vale and in the mining industry. Vale recognizes the Impacts and Benefits Agreements with the Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government in which Innu and Inuit workers have first preference for employment at the Voisey's Bay Mine Site. This is guided by an adjacency principle that first gives preference to those who live on the coast of Labrador, followed by those residing in the rest of Labrador, those residing on the island of the province, followed by the rest of Canada. Next, priority will be given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents. We also welcome those who are willing to relocate back home and those looking to make NL their permanent home. Accommodation is available throughout our recruitment process for applicants with disabilities. Innu Nation members and Nunatsiavut beneficiaries can submit their application to their Vale Aboriginal Employment Coordinator. Pay Grade: F5T Apply by: Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 ValeBaseMetals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://vale.eightfold.ai/careers/job/24857315", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 40, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 1, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 3.7, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "canada", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": ""}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": null, "facetDisplaySort": {"skills": "count_desc", "departments": "count_desc", "seniority": "count_desc", "work_location_option": "count_desc", "locations": "count_desc"}, "facets": {"skills": {"Microsoft Excel": 23, "SAP": 19, "Operations": 16, "MINERA\u00c7\u00c3O": 14, "Microsoft Power BI": 14, "AutoCAD": 13, "Communication": 12, "Maintenance": 11, "CID": 9, "E-Procurement": 9, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O": 9, "Engineering": 7, "Mining": 7, "Negocia\u00e7\u00e3o": 6, "Programa\u00e7\u00e3o": 6, "Project Management": 6, "Budgeting": 5, "Continuous Improvement": 5, "Geology": 5, "Heavy Equipment": 5, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O Corretiva": 5, "Microsoft Office": 5, "PCD": 5, "PDCA": 5, "Scheduling": 5, "Seguran\u00e7a": 5, "Treinamento": 5, "Usina": 5, "CNH D": 4, "Confiabilidade": 4, "Data Analysis": 4, "Kaizen": 4, "Lideran\u00e7a": 4, "Log\u00edstica": 4, "Microsoft Project": 4, "Part Inspection": 4, "Pessoa Com Defici\u00eancia": 4, "Planejamento": 4, "Reporting": 4, "Sensors": 4, "Supply Chain Software": 4, "WHMIS": 4, "Mina": 4, "CNH B": 3, "CNH E": 3, "CONSTRU\u00c7\u00c3O": 3, "Deficiencia": 3, "Documentation": 3, "Electrical Systems": 3, "Engenharia": 3, "Ensino": 3, "Fall Protection": 3, "Forklift Operation and Maintenance": 3, "Hydraulic Systems": 3, "Inspe\u00e7\u00e3o": 3, "Laudo PCD": 3, "MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O PREVENTIVA": 3, "Mec\u00e2nica": 3, "Microsoft Outlook": 3, "Microsoft PowerPoint": 3, "Pelotiza\u00e7\u00e3o": 3, "Pessoa Com Deficiencia": 3, "Support": 3, "Training": 3, "Transportation": 3, "Troubleshooting": 3, "Corretiva": 3, "5s": 2, "AUTOMA\u00c7\u00c3O": 2, "Analytics": 2, "ArcGIS": 2, "Ativos MINERA\u00c7\u00c3O": 2, "Autodesk AutoCAD Certification": 2, "Bombas De Polpa": 2, "Check List": 2, "CONSERVAR": 2, "Controle Operacional": 2, "CPR": 2, "CREA": 2, "Carpentry": 2, "Change Management": 2, "Collaboration": 2, "Contract Management": 2, "Curso Profissionalizante": 2, "Defici\u00eancia": 2, "El\u00e9trica": 2, "Engenharia Mec\u00e2nica": 2, "Equipamentos": 2, "Equipamentos MINERA\u00c7\u00c3O": 2, "Equipamentos De Filtragem": 2, "FILTRAGEM": 2, "FORNO": 2, "Ferramenta": 2, "Filtro De Vacuo": 2, "Filtros De Rolo": 2, "Finance": 2, "Gest\u00e3o De Contratos": 2, "Hand Tools": 2}, "departments": {"COORD SUPR CATEG CORR NORTE": 7, "MANUT PREV/CORRET CG - D": 4, "COORD PCM MANUT MINA CAPANEMA": 2, "GER DES PROJ M BAS ATL SUL COB": 2, "Procurement CoE": 2, "Stobie Open Pit Project (H)": 2, "AMV_AAL": 1, "AP COORD INS PROC ELE USINA": 1, "Administration Environment (S)": 1, "COMBUSTIVEIS SSG": 1, "COOR AUTOMA\u00c7\u00c3O METAIS BAS O P": 1, "COORD DE PROCESSOS NORTE": 1, "COORD ENG ESTRATEGICA MINA": 1, "COORD IMPLANT INTEGR ESTRUT": 1, "COORD INSP MEC, ENG E ATIVOS": 1, "COORD PCM EQUIPAMENTOS M\u00d3VEIS": 1, "COORD PCM MINA BR": 1, "COORD PCM UTILIDADES PELOTIZ": 1, "Coleman Mobile Mtce(H)": 1, "Concentrator FP UG Mech S": 1, "Concentrator Genral Overhd (H)": 1, "Coord Prog Partilhar": 1, "Coordenador PCM 5-7": 1, "Coordenador PCM 8": 1, "Coordenador PCM El\u00e9trica": 1, "Coordena\u00e7\u00e3o Insp/Preditiva/Eng": 1, "Coordena\u00e7\u00e3o Supr Tecnologia": 1, "Creighton-Supp-Reliability(S)": 1, "DIR,EXPLORATION & MINERAL PROJ": 1, "Div Shops Srvcs Machining (H)": 1, "Exploration": 1, "FACILITIES COND PARAOPEB SUL": 1, "Forno II - MANUTEN\u00c7\u00c3O C": 1, "GER ECOSSISTEMAS INOVA\u00c7\u00c3O": 1, "GER GEST PERF OP COMP": 1, "Ger Plan Longo Prazo Norte": 1, "Ger. 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