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principal provedor de dados e informa\u00e7\u00f5es do Pa\u00eds), qual cor/ra\u00e7a voc\u00ea se declara?\":\n \"\",\n \"Qual a sua orienta\u00e7\u00e3o afetivo-sexual?\":\n \"'Indica como nos sentimos em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 atra\u00e7\u00e3o afetiva e/ou sexual nos relacionamentos'\",\n \"Voc\u00ea se considera uma Pessoa com Defici\u00eancia?\":\n \"'Pessoas com defici\u00eancia s\u00e3o aquelas que t\u00eam impedimentos de longo prazo de natureza f\u00edsica, mental, intelectual ou sensorial, os quais podem obstruir sua participa\u00e7\u00e3o plena e efetiva na sociedade em igualdades de condi\u00e7\u00f5es com as demais pessoas.'\",\n };\n \n radio_text_to_tooltip_text = {\n \"Homem cisg\u00eanero\":\n \"'Pessoa nasceu com o \u00f3rg\u00e3o sexual masculino e se identifica com o g\u00eanero masculino'\",\n \"Mulher cisg\u00eanero\":\n \"'Pessoa nasceu com o \u00f3rg\u00e3o sexual feminino e se identifica com o g\u00eanero feminino'\",\n \"Homem trans\": \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com o g\u00eanero atribu\u00eddo ao nascimento'\",\n \"Mulher trans\": \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com o g\u00eanero atribu\u00eddo ao nascimento'\",\n \"N\u00e3o Bin\u00e1rio / Fluida\":\n \"'N\u00e3o se identifica com nenhum g\u00eanero ou se identifica com ambos os g\u00eaneros'\",\n Branca: \"'Pessoas de apar\u00eancia e pele branca'\",\n Preta: \"'Pessoas que t\u00eam pele escura'\",\n Amarela:\n \"'Pessoas com descend\u00eancia asi\u00e1tica \u2013 japonesas, chinesas, coreanas, etc'\",\n Parda:\n \"'Pessoas de pele mais clara porque s\u00e3o mesti\u00e7as \u2013 filhas de pessoas brancas e pretas, de ind\u00edgenas e brancas ou de ind\u00edgenas e pretas'\",\n Ind\u00edgena: \"'Pessoas descendentes de \u00edndios(as)'\",\n Heterossexual:\n \"'Pessoa que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com pessoa do g\u00eanero oposto.'\",\n Gay: \"'Homem que se sente atra\u00eddo e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com outro homem.'\",\n L\u00e9sbica:\n \"'Mulher que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com outra mulher.'\",\n Bissexual:\n \"'Pessoa que se sente atra\u00edda e/ou se relaciona amorosa e/ou sexualmente com pessoas de todos os g\u00eaneros.'\",\n };\n\n for (question in questions) {\n current_question = $(`.apply-item-title:contains(${question})`)[0];\n radio_div =\n current_question.parentElement.parentElement.nextElementSibling;\n question_tooltip = questions[question];\n question_icon = `<i class='far fa-info-circle hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='' data-original-title=${question_tooltip} style='font-size: 20px;color: #288061;position: relative;top: 3px;padding:5px;' trigger='click'></i>`;\n if (question_tooltip != \"\") {\n $(current_question).append(`<span>${question_icon}</span>`);\n }\n var containers = $(radio_div).find(\".radioContainer\");\n radios = containers.find(\".radio-label\");\n radios.each(function () {\n radio_text = $(this).text();\n parent_container = $(this).parent(\".radioContainer\");\n tooltip_text = radio_text_to_tooltip_text[radio_text];\n icon = `<i class='far custom_vale_icon fa-info-circle pull-right hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='' data-original-title=${tooltip_text} style='font-size: 20px;color: #288061;position: relative;top: 10px;padding:5px;' trigger='click'></i>`;\n if (tooltip_text != undefined) {\n parent_container.append(`<span class='tablecell'>${icon}</span>`);\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\n\n// This function adds icons with hoverable tooltips to the questions on brazillian external positions\nfunction question_modifications() {\n console.log(\"Calling question_modifications\");\n\n try {\n try_adding_tooltip_icons()\n\n } catch (error) {\n\n if (is_canada_external()){\n // no modifications needed, quit\n return\n }\n if (is_canada_internal()){\n // remove numbers from questions\n $(\"span:contains('5- Please state your city') > span > span\").first().text(\"Please state your city\")\n $(\"span:contains('6- Please state your province') > span > span\").first().text(\"Please state your province\")\n return\n }\n if (is_brazil_internal()){\n // no modification needed, quit\n return\n }\n if (is_brazil_external()){\n // If we get here, then the try block was succesful and we can quit this loop\n return\n }\n\n setTimeout(question_modifications, 300);\n\n \n // // if we get here, then the questions haven't loaded yet. Re-call th\n // // above script throws a \"parentElement not found\" error if the jquery selectors fail. Jquery selector likely failing because question does not exist on DOM when script is called.\n // if ($(\".custom_vale_icon\").length == 0) {\n // console.log(\"calling tooltips recursively\");\n // }\n }\n}\n\nsetTimeout(question_modifications, 300);\n</script>", "SUCCESS_FORM_PAGE_LOAD": "", "JOIN_TALENT_NETWORK_PAGE_LOAD": ""}, "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/favicon.ico"}, "homePageHeroBanner": {"useImage": 0, "opacity": 1, "hideInMobileView": false, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/1686341094::vale_banner_june8.jpg", "title": "We use artificial intelligence to recommend job openings that could be a strong match for your profile. Some recommendations may not exactly match your resume, please be understanding as this algorithm is still learning."}, "showJobId": 1, "links": {"videos": ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdy4PgzmpaM"]}, "companyName": "Vale", "navBar": {"opacity": 0.9, "link": "http://www.vale.com/canada/EN/Pages/default.aspx", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vale/Vale_w.png", "background": "#007E7A", "title": "Vale"}, "applySuccessMessage": "Application Confirmed!", "privacy": {"text": "Confirm that you agree with the Data Privacy Policy.<br><br>Policy - I acknowledge that I am applying for employment with Vale (the 'Company') and hereby agree to the Company's collection, processing and use of my personal information for recruitment purposes. I further understand that applicants who are offered employment will be required to complete a pre-employment check and medical/drug test if applicable to the position. I understand that the responses submitted in this application constitute a commitment and any false or inaccurate information may result in the cancellation of the application. The information you provide will be kept confidential and will only be used in a manner consistent with the law.", "title": "Data Privacy Policy", "button": "Confirm"}, "postApplyText": "You will receive an application confirmation e-mail shortly. 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PCM PCP GESTAO COMPONENTE": 2, "SUPERV EXEC MANUT ELETRICA": 2, "Site Serv Accommodation Op (S)": 2, "Sup Usina II": 2, "Sup Controle Opera\u00e7\u00e3o de Mina": 2, "Sup Oper Mina CFJ/JGD D": 2, "AVIACAO KING": 1, "CCM North Log & Support (S)": 1, "CCM South Prod Recon (S)": 1, "CCM-South-Mobile Mtce (S)": 1, "CCNMine-Support-Reliability(S)": 1, "CONTROLE QUALIDADE PELOTIZA\u00c7\u00c3O": 1, "COORD DE PCM MINA": 1, "COORD DE PCM USINA": 1, "COORD ENG MANUT SLB III": 1, "COORD ENG\u00ba MINA PARAOPEBA": 1, "COORD GEOCIENCIAS ITABIRA": 1, "COORD PERF DESM": 1, "COORD PROG PROD SEDESTE": 1, "COORD SERV OP COND NUCLEO": 1, "Coleman Mobile Mtce(H)": 1, "Collective Mine Support (S)": 1, "Coord Telecom ES, RJ e LATAM": 1, "Coord. Eng. Opera\u00e7\u00e3o Usinas": 1, "Coordena\u00e7\u00e3o CMA e Inspet DB": 1, "Coordena\u00e7\u00e3o Desmonte de Rochas": 1, "Coordena\u00e7\u00e3o Produ\u00e7\u00e3o": 1, "Creighton Mine Phase 5 (s)": 1, "Electrical - 11(H)": 1, "Environment (S)": 1, "Forno II - Letra D": 1, "GER DE AVIACAO CORPORATIVA": 1, "GER GEST SEG EMERG RISC AT SUL": 1, "GER PMO DES MET BASIC ATL SUL": 1, "GER REGIONAL TI MG": 1, "GER RH BP ATL SUL": 1, "Garson-Mtce Dept-Plt Mech(S)": 1, "Garson-Optg-Support": 1, "Gen Eng-Design-Civil(S)": 1, "Ger Plan Longo Prazo Norte": 1, "Ger Sup Op Projetos TI": 1, "Ger de Gest\u00e3o Plan e C Pratico": 1, "IAM Reliability Surface - VB": 1, "IAM-Engineering-Sudbury-OH": 1, "IAM-Proj&Shtdown-CrtnCapex(S)": 1, "IAM-Relia MineMilHoistShfts(S)": 1, "IAM-Reliab Mine Mil-CCM/MTW(S)": 1, "IMPL FICO LOTE 7": 1, "Inventory \u2013 VB(S)": 1, "LH Tailings & Dams Mgmt (S)": 1, "LHO_IAM_RELIABILITY (S)": 1, "MTS-Geology&In-Mine Expl-MB(S)": 1, "MTS-Mine Planning-Creighton(S)": 1, "MTS-Mine Planning-Totten(S)": 1, "Mgr, Mineral Processing (S)": 1, "Mill Maintenance Elec/Inst (H)": 1, "Mine Eng. Geology (S)": 1, "Mine Maintenance (H)": 1, "OORD. PROGRAM PRODU\u00c7 MINERA": 1, "OPERA\u00c7\u00c3O CONTROLE BARRAGEM": 1, "ORC PERF M BASIC ENERG NEG": 1, "Occupational Health & SCBA(S)": 1, "P/R NA Project Compliance(S)": 1, "PC Cobalt Refinery-Hydrate(H)": 1, "Perf C Perfuratriz CAT Md 6420": 1, "Planejamento Vendas e Contrato": 1, "Port Colbor - Process Tech(S)": 1, "Procurement CoE": 1, "SUP AREA FRIA, LUB, UTIL VGR": 1, "SUP AUTOM E TELECOM SIS": 1, "SUP CARGA E TRANSPORTE C": 1, "SUP EXPEDI\u00c7\u00c3O SERRA LESTE T BD": 1, "SUP MAN MEC PELOT SLS": 1, "SUP MAN PREV MEC PREPARA\u00c7\u00c3O US": 1, "SUP MANUT EQUIP CORRETIVA D": 1, "SUP MANUT ESCAVA\u00c7\u00c3O": 1, "SUP MANUT USINA D": 1, "SUP MOV DE CORREIAS A": 1, "SUP OPERA\u00c7\u00c3O MINA & USINA SL A": 1, "SUP QUAL AMOSTRAGEM PREPAR FIS": 1, "SUP TERM METAIS BASICOS PBS-A": 1, "SUP TMP E EXPEDI\u00c7\u00c3O SL - C": 1, "Shops Support (H)": 1, "Smeltr-Mtc-DFR/Mch/CuCas/Ct(H)": 1, "Stobie Open Pit Project (H)": 1, "Sup Eletrica MUT/MAZ/TOD": 1, "Sup Geot ITA AL Taludes Hidro": 1, "Sup Man T Elet e Inst VGR N Di": 1}, "seniority": {"Mid/Senior": 87, "Entry": 52, "Intern": 4}, "work_location_option": {"onsite": 125, "hybrid": 17, "remote": 1}, "locations": {"Remote": 999999, "Greater Sudbury, ON, Canada": 20, "Nova Lima, MG, Brazil": 19, "Cana\u00e3 dos Caraj\u00e1s, PA, Brazil": 14, "Vitoria, ES, Brazil": 12, "Parauapebas, PA, Brazil": 11, "Thompson, MB, Canada": 9, "S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds, MA, Brazil": 7, "Labrador City, NL, Canada": 6, "Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil": 6, "Itabira, MG, Brazil": 5, "Toronto, ON, Canada": 5, "Marab\u00e1, PA, Brazil": 4, "Port Colborne, ON, Canada": 4, "Curion\u00f3polis, PA, Brazil": 3, "S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Rio Abaixo, MG, Brazil": 3, "Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil": 3, "Alto Alegre do Pindar\u00e9, MA, Brazil": 2, "Brumadinho, MG, Brazil": 2, "Itagua\u00ed, RJ, Brazil": 2, "Ibirit\u00e9, MG, Brazil": 2, "Long Harbour-Mount Arlington Heights, NL, Canada": 2, "Mangaratiba, RJ, Brazil": 2, "M\u00e1rio Campos, MG, Brazil": 2, 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